Day One

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Standing in front of me was Dan Howell... Thee Dan Howell. I think I'm going to keep it together Oli. He sat down next to Phil... Oh My God wait. Dan and Phil from YouTube are in the cafe... this is too much.

They where and looking at the main menu boards on the wall, I turned around to face Tom but I coulan't help fangirling. "What?... what what?" He searched for an answer from me but I just stood fanning his arm and pointing in Dan's direction. "Ols you're acting weird" He looked pretty concerned.. I don't think he's seen my this happy in ages..

"It's fricking Dan and Phil!!" I squealed, "like right over there!!" I pointed from behind the counter... but he just stared at me blankly... asdfghjkl "their from YouTube and Radio 1....?"

"Oh yeah I've  listened to there show a couple of times.. Is that what they look like?" Obvs "How are you so hapy to see them anyways?" He still looked confused

"Well if you where me you would know" I composed my fangirlism and walked over to take their order... This had to be the longest walk of my life, I couldn't decide whether to say that I was a huge fan, introduce myself, or just treat them like every one else in the shop... asdfghjkl;'\qwertyuiop[|}'zxcvbnm,./ 

By the time I had finished having an imaginary argument with myself in my head I had arrived at their table, for a couple of seconds they didn't look up but that's normal right?... Okay i just have to remember that they are normal guys, they just happen to be hit YouTubers. 

I counted to 3, like I did with every customer fyi, before they turned their eyes to me. "Hi, can I take your order?" nailed it.

I couldn't help but say something after they had ordered, "do I recognised you two from somewhere?"

"I'm not sure do you?" Dan smirked at me then Phil. I pretended to think about it before saying, "Wait aren't you Dan an Phil from Radio 1?" 

"Yeah have you listened before?" Phil asked me.... I was having a conversation with them.... ASDFGHJKL;'\ 

"Yeah, I try to as often as I can" ...don't sound desperate Ols.. "Aren't you the guys on YouTube as well? Is it..'Danisnotonfire' and 'AmazingPhil'?" I pointed, yeah this was going well..

"Yeah we are," they both said... "wow" I said to myself, "well its a pleasure," I smiled and checked their orders into the kitchen. 

"How did it go?" Tom asked when we where in the basement again after work, "Good" I replied, "I managed to keep a hold of myself" I smiled pulling my hoodie tighter around me. Talking to Dan and Phil had put me in a really good mood.

Walking along the pavement home, we where talking about depression, I'm not sure how we got on to the subject of it but you know. "Will you keep your head up? For me?" he frowned wit a concerned look. 

"I'll try my  best.." I looked at him as he pulled me in for a hug and said goodbye before tomorrow. 

When I got home I was all happy and watched more of Dan and Phil on YouTube

One Day (A Dan Howell Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin