They've broken me

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Pennys POV.

I lay in a hospital bed when police come inside, sorrow across their faces.

"Miss-" One begins but I cut him off. "Penny." I wisper, becoming quiet all over again.

"Penny, could you answer some questions?" Asks the other and I numbly nod, tired of feeling.

"Did your father attempt to rape you?" He asks. "Y-Yes." I wisper, containing my tears. "Have you been abused?" Asks the other. "Yes. I-I've been b-Beaten for y-years." I wisper, stuttering as I speak, from the pain of rembering the last one.

"Penny, has your mother beaten you?" One asks, But i'm not to sure who, because i'm looking off into the distance.

"Yes." I respond, in a monotone not leting her get to me. "Aright. Thank you, Penny." Smiles the officer. "I hope your ok," Smiles the other, and I let a laugh out.

Yes I laugh.

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me!" I laugh, "Get out!" I yell pointing to the door, becoming hostile. They just leave without another word, thankgod.

Soon enough my doctor walks inside, and smiles. "Well, Penny, It seems you have 5 broken ribs, a fractured hip and a broken hand..." He imforms me and I nod befoe giving the best smile I can, and its not very strong.

"Also it seems you've turned 18, last week." He smiles and I shake my head. "Yes. Your birthday is September 1st." He grins but I shake my head. "Its DECMBER 1st." I correct him and he shakes his head.

"You have the wrong date, Penny. But your 18 years old now, so there is no need for a social worker," He anounces before leaving me there, shocked.

"How are ya, love?" Asks Niall suddenly coming inside. "I'm 18." I wisper, before starting to cry.

Niall instantly hugs me. "Whats wrong, love?" He asks. "I-I had the wrong birthday!" I cry and he chuckles.

"Are you sure thats all?" He asks and suddenly reailty hits me.

I have been beaten my entire life, my parents hated me, I was bullied, The only person who got me commited sucide, and my father attemted to rape me.

"Oh my god." I wisper as I fist Nialls shirt. "What?" He asks. "I just relized it," I wisper into his soaked shirt. "What?" He asks.

"Niall, I've been through so much," I pause. "And I can't handle it, I'm only 18," I wisper before I start to sob.

"But they've broken me." I cry.

"Love, they may of broken you but I'll fix you.." Niall wispers into my hair.

"You can fix whats broken but they'll always be cracks."

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