3. •///////•

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(Chapter name is what Marinette's face looks like AFTER last chapter ;)

Marinette's PoV

"Wow.."A shocked Alya said.
I look nervously at her as I remembered on what happened about 20 minutes ago. After Alya scooted away with me, I was too in shock to notice. She had pulled all the way to her house and I told her everything.

"Well umm.. That's pretty much it but I can't believe it!? How does he even... oh my gosh...... ALYA! whAT IF HE DOES ACTUALLY LIKE ME AND HE IS JUST PLAYING ME?" I practically yelled. My mind literally exploded with bad thoughts and my heart almost broke.

Alya just look at me, gave me a hug and gave me a reassuring smile and said that he was way too nice to do that.

I looked at my friend and a big smile came to me. "Thank you Alya you really Are the ideal friend (Hella yeah she is! Comment if you want a friend like Alya?)" I hugged her back.

"Hell yeah! I am!" She said as she pulled out her phone (they have stopped hugging btw). "Aww damn it! I have to go, Nino wants me over, he needs to talk about something.. Is it okay if we reschedule this?"

"Yeah sure. We are pretty much done, all secrets are out." I said smiling.
'Well.. Not all of mine are but...'

She nodded then we said our goodbyes and I then started walking home.
As I was walking home my thoughts about then other night came flooding in and making me blush.

When I got home, I greeted my parents and then took a plate of cookies to eat and some for Tikki. When I reach my room, I lock my trapdoor and sit at my computer desk.

"Ahh! Tikki!! Adrien he... He LIKES ME!" I yell excitingly.
"Wow! Great job Marinette! I knew he would come around eventually! YAY!! But what about that silly kitty with that kiss?" Tikki said grabbing a cookie and sitting on a tiny pillow, I made for her.

I look back at her and sigh.. What was I gonna do? I mean I could just ignore it? But then again.. It was pretty enjoyable... "I..... I don't know.."
Before Tikki could answer, there was a tapping on my window and I instantly knew it was none other than Chat Noir...

My Princess [MariChat]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora