Chapter 1 <3

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Desiree Gold POV

"He's never coming back, you know," the cropped hair teenage boy snickers as he bumps past me in the hallway of our congested High School.

"What did you say?" I ask, attempting to collect myself before the internal blow hits me too hard.

"He doesn't love you anymore," he calls after me.

"Shut up!" I screech and attempt to dart away through the endless sea of people. I dont usually care what people say to me anymore, yet the reality of that statement is what wounds me.

He doesn't love me anymore.

My Harry.

I weave my way out of the school into the airy expanse of the parking lot, then around the corner through a path in the trees. Thankfully, there is no one following me as I wander through the scrawny forest down the once-beaten path to my house. I reach the meadow ahead of my house before the tears begin to slip past my cheeks.

Its been 7 months since I've last seen Harry, and if I'd stuck to my own buisness, like I never do, he would be at my side right now.

"Uhh, hi," A raspy voice calls from behind me, and my heart works overdrive while my stomach cascades to my feet. I turn around to be greeted by the one and only Harry Styles. My eyes are unbelieving as I gape at him, being enfolded his arms in what seemes like slow motion.

Then next thing I know I'm staining his grey t-shirt black, enveloped in his arms in the center the meadow. Hair smothering his features, his face burried in my neck, Harry is shaking with emotion as I embrace his authenticity. I pull away from him to stare open mouthed, as for no words will come. This is too good to be true.

"Why are you here?" I finally choke out.

"For you," his honesty strikes me again and more tears drift off my chin. His thumb wipes them away gingerly, as if he has just wiped away the seven months we've been apart.

"I thought we weren't supposed to see eachother again," I skeptically say, my guard rising again.

"The rules are bullshit," he smiles his dimpled smile. I inhale a huge breath of his existence.

I lean in as the rain starts to fall, although neither of us notice, nor care, for his lips meet mine in a gentile yet demanding rhythm which both of us had been longing for, for ages.

Finally ambling my way into my house, I observe Harry stalk across the soggy field, through the brush, and onto the pathway. He'll be back by 9 pm.

Harry Styles POV

She doesn't understand how much I want her back, I just don't think that I can handle any more torture; She is so much like Gemma, so carefree and forgiving.

I love her.

Kissing Desiree was like giving a child a toy, and then taking it back only moments later. She made it better, even if only for a few seconds, but now it's a whole lot worse. I couldn't stop thinking about her, no matter how hard I tried to stay away; I just couldn't cope with the pain. My lips are still burning since I kissed her.

I've been around the world and back, but my favorite place on Earth is always that field next to Desiree's house. That's where our first kiss was. And also our last.

Des used to take me out there in the spring time to just sit and enjoy the quiet air. With no one listening, we would talk about the future and our dreams. Desiree always wanted to help people, to become a paramedic. I can always invision her in the back of a stark white ambulance, holding a defibulator for some unfortunate pedestrian whose heart had suddenly stopped pumping. However, my dream was to become a singer.

My dream is pretty far off though; I havent sung for anyone since Gem died. Ever since I can remember, I've loved singing. In fact, I used to sing constantly as a child, and Gemma would always laugh and sing along. Now, all I have left are the memories. 

Walking down the path from Desiree's house feels natural again. At least one thing in my life is definite. For now.

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