A Thousand Kisses ⁞『 R00M D4 』

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| ♡ R00M D4

The Takatama Matsuri was coming up, and all classes were preparing diligently for all the hoopla and merrymaking that was to be had a week after today. The point of the festival was to create a float, and basically … carry it across the bustling, boisterous street to show off to the crowd. At the end people voted, and the best float won.  

Every class was assigned a theme, and they had to work with that theme to make a float. Our class, the last class on the highest corridor in the school, was D4. We still hadn’t chosen a theme unfortunately, but we were close to deciding at least?

Our homeroom teacher, Ogata-Sempai was standing at the front of the class, at the front of the wooden podium facing us. He was a short man, with round glasses. He reminded us of an older, more hunched-over, version of Harry Potter. Sure, he annoyed most of the student’s by how much naggy he was, especially during exams. But, we all knew he had our best interests at heart, well … at least I did? Eheh~

It was still early in the morning, around 7:00 A.M. So, he was still nervously ruffling his papers distractedly, and calling out every now and then, trying to get everyone to pay attention to him. Most people were out of their assigned seats, and grouped together with their friends. It was easy to chatter away mindlessly when you were considered to be the worst rated class.

You see? There are different levels in our school! About four actually, that were ranked from highest to lowest. D1 happened to be … Yup! You guessed it? The smartest class! Only the student’s that got high scores constantly got to be in there. Whiles, our class D4, was thought of as … eheh, well it wasn’t too hard to guess ne?

But that didn’t get me down at all! See, I think … we all have the ability to do great, and if we really wanted to be in the top class, we could do it! You can do anything you put your mind to; it’s something I’ve always lived by, never give up!

So, it didn’t really bother me that the rest of the school made fun of us, or that we were looked down on. Because, honestly, we were the only student’s that were living our lives to the fullest, not just constantly having our nose stuck in a book. We went on class trips often, and we all were best friends so no one really fought or didn’t get along, it was like a family.

Even now, I was surrounded by people I loved. My two best friends; the first one on my right was Erika, she was in the same year as me, and she wanted to be a makeup stylist when she grew up. Then the second one, Mariko, also in the same class as Erika and me, was the smartest in our threesome. She wanted to be a doctor, like her father Takizawa-San. Sometimes she’d ask to practice on us, but I and Erika weren’t too thrilled about being pricked by needles, so she usually had to find other victims.

They were my closest friends since forever, I couldn’t’ remember a time when they weren’t. Our mother’s actually met in a birthing class, and we were all delivered close together. A few weeks apart actually, so we always attended each other’s birthdays. Our parent’s always knew if we weren’t at home we would be together at one house or other, so they didn’t worry. We studied together, shared lunch, joked around, cried, fought, made up, and talked about everything. They knew absolutely everything about me.

So, of course they were the first to hear, when I experienced something amazing. Something miraculous, and time-halting; during our freshman orientation, the top student in our grade got up to give a speech to all us other student’s. And once he did, I couldn’t keep my eyes off him.

He introduced himself as Satomi Yuki, the valedictorian, and freshman advisor, as well as the student council vice president. And as he listed all those titles, and started into his speech; discussing something about adjusting to high school life, and what we were to expect from our first year, I blanked out.

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