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"Reid, what're you still doing here?" Hotch asked, his voice stern yet concerned. It was well past midnight. Everyone else but the two of them had left.

"I can't go home, Hotch. I have too much work to do." Reid answered distantly. He was too busy pouring over the files in front of him for the thousandth time to pay proper attention.

"You need rest, Reid. You can't keep going on like this. (Y/N) needs you to take care of yourself. We're all working hard on this-" Hotch tried to comfort before Spencer cut him off.

"Well we're not working hard enough!" Reid yelled. He sighed and glanced at Hotch. "I- I'm sorry..." Spencer apologized quietly as he ran a hand through his hair. "It's been a month, Hotch. I don't even know if she's still..." His voice trailed off, leaving tears in his eyes. Hotch shook his head.

"She's strong, Reid. She's going to be alright. What do you say I give you a ride home? We can start fresh in the morning." Aaron offered. He knew Spencer wouldn't sleep, but at least he'd be out of the office. In fact, none of the team was sleeping. They were all pouring over leads, re-reading interviews and examining evidence by the dim lights by their desks at home.

Spencer agreed and stood up to leave, but not before slipping the case files into his bag.

"What? What is it?" Morgan asked worriedly as he rushed into the round table room. Rossi, Prentiss, JJ, and Garcia followed shortly behind. Spencer and Hotch were standing solemnly by the monitors. Files were already set out on the table for each member of the team.

"Around two last night, this" Hotch pressed a button on the remote and a video popped onto the monitor. "was sent to the BAU." Hotch started the video and immediately, Garcia let out a gasp.

"(Y/N)..." JJ whispered and covered her mouth with her hand. The team watched in horror as they examined the shaky video of you lying on the ground. The picture was dark and cloudy. They could barely make out your body slumped in what appeared to be the corner of an old basement. You weren't moving.

"You have 48 hours to find Agent (Y/N). I've waited long enough." A deep, gruff voice barked from behind the camera. With that, the screen went black.

"That's it?!" Morgan almost yelled. "We've been working on this for weeks, how the hell are we gonna suddenly find her in two days?"

"I don't know, but getting angry isn't going to help us. That's what he's counting on, us screwing up." Hotch answered, doing his best to hide his feelings about all of this.

"So what do we do then?" Garcia asked, her voice slightly shaky.

"I need you to do a frame analysis on the video. Pull everything you can from it. Reid, I want you to create a geographical profile. The rest of you, compile all the information we have so far and work up whatever leads you can." Hotch commanded before heading to his office to make some calls.

The hours had gone by all too slow and all too fast. Only four and a half hours remained on the clock.

"Hotch, I got it." Reid announced quickly as he walked into the office, a large map in his hands. Not caring for manners, Spencer pushed some of the things off of Aaron's desk to make room. He laid out the map and pointed to a black circle he had drawn in the center. "She's here. It's an abandoned industrial complex. The last name on the lease is Matt Cooper. In the video, it looked like the light was coming from a window towards the ceiling, so that indicates they're located below the average height for main levels. I had Garcia check for-"

"Reid, just get on with it." Hotch hurried.

"3891 Pennsylvania Avenue."

Hotch grabbed his jacket off the back of his chair. "Let's go."

"Matt Cooper! FBI!" Morgan shouted as he bursted through one of the entrances. SWAT agents followed close behind him, their guns sweeping the room. The rest of the team was covering the rest of the entrances.

"Over here!" One of the agents called. He was standing near a rusty door that appeared to lead to a lower level. Derek readied his gun.

A loud bang woke you from your deep sleep. You had been down in that dark cellar so long you had to look away as you saw flashlight beams swaying about the room. You could hear the heavy steps of the SWAT agents descending down the stairs, but everything felt groggy. It was like a stop motion picture with frames missing. You blinked and suddenly there was the familiar face of your long-lost friend, Morgan, kneeling down in front of you. You could barely hold your head up; after a whole month of Cooper's abuse, you were hanging on by the thinnest of threads.

"(Y/N)!" Morgan shouted, but he sounded distant. Your vision started spinning and everything went black.

You woke again, only to be blinded by the harsh hospital lights. You could just about see the silhouette of Morgan sitting beside you. You tried to turn to see him better, but pain washed over you and you let out a weak groan.

"(Y/N)?" Morgan snapped to attention, his eyes full of worry. You let out a grunt of acknowledgement. "Hey mama." He greeted softly and offered you a sympathetic smile. "It's good to see you."

"You too." You smiled back weakly.

"Want me to send in Pretty Boy?"

Your eyes widened and you shook your head as much as you could without experiencing extreme pain. "No. Please... don't..." You insisted. Morgan gave you a suspicious look.

"Why not?" He asked, confused.

"Before I got..." You trailed off, unable to bring yourself to mention what happened. "I- I'm pregnant. Or at least I was. I don't know if I still am."

Morgan's eyes widened. "Oh my god... D-do you want me to get someone in here to check on the baby?" Derek asked cautiously. You nodded.

"Yeah, please." You frowned slightly and looked down at your stomach. You knew it was wrong, illogical, but you couldn't help but blame yourself. Morgan nodded and gave you a comforting smile before leavin

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