Chapter 9- (Y/n) Loses It All

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"No no no no no!" I screamed in frustration. "This can't be happening. You can't be dead," I screamed and cried.
"(Y/n). C'mon, c-calm down." Kid Flash said trying to calm me down. It didn't work. Nikolai was my world, I had sworn to keep him safe and I failed. I should have refused their offer, I never should have joined. I couldn't believe it, but the cold, hard truth was right in front of me. Nikolai was dead, shot in the heart and killed.
"I never should have joined." I muttered.
"I never should have accepted your stupid offer!" I screamed, I know I should calm down but I can't. I can't do it, Nikolai would've been here to calm me down and I would have reminded myself I still have something I can't lose.

I sat in bed after sobbing for hours. I finally felt empty, I had nothing to live for.

"(Y/n)!" He giggled, he had been trying to take his first steps for a long time now. I sat in my room while my father went into boring meetings day and night, but other than that life was perfect. Nikolai shakily stood and used the bed frame to support himself. After a few minutes that seemed like forever to him he let go and started to slowly walk with his hands in front of him in case he fell. But he didn't.

Nikolai was finally running around and talking until everyone was bored. He was so energetic and cheerful unlike me. I thought he would grow and slowly leave and forget me like some of the friends I used to have. But he didn't.

Nikolai was kind of feminine in some aspects, but everyone was okay with it. He loved being able to be himself. He was so kind and pure and was always proud of who he was. When he started school he was picked on sometimes and I thought it would make him sad and that he would stop being himself eventually. But he didn't.

I thought Nikolai would grow up being scared of the powers he couldn't control and that he would live in fear of hurting someone he loved. I thought he would be too terrified of what he had lived through after all these years. But he didn't.

I thought Nikolai would've stayed behind like I told him to, so he could practice a few more advanced things with his powers while I went on a mission. I knew he was following me, so I told him to stay on the ship and I thought he would've stayed there like I told him to. I thought he would've stayed hidden and I thought he wouldn't have started running in front of me when he saw them pointing a gun at me. But he didn't.

I thought I could've known the fake Nikolai from the real Nikolai when the fake was dying. I thought I could've heard the real Nikolai's muffled screams and sobbing. I thought I had lost everything. But I didn't.

"Don't worry, (Y/n)."

"I'll be here for you." Wally said as he smiled sadly and covered my sleeping form with a blanket.


The update has happened. I am kind of done editing. Here it is.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2016 ⏰

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