☘About Clover☘

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Imma put what Puddle did because I don't know what else to do. Just gonna add a few things :3

Zodiac: Pisces- The creative and kind

My Looks (Warriors): small, thick-furred, fluffy pitch black she-cat with bright leafy green eyes. My front toes are white and a white splash covers some of my right shoulder, this splash looks like a cloverleaf. My left ear is torn in two places, and a scar lines out from my lower chest to poking out from under my left shoulder.

My Looks (IRL): I'm average height, female, tan, freckled, dark brown hair, straight hair that gets wavy and fluffy at the ends, green eyes that get dark brown at the pupil and gray around the rim. My eyes change colors, and once a month-ish they turn icy blue. I have a scar on my right pointer finger, close to the nail, because of sticking my finger in a shower drain when I was a baby. I also have a scar on the bone of my left wrist from being attacked by a German Shepherd, a scar on my right hip for a corner of a table ripping off a chunk of skin, and multiple scars elsewhere from picking at my scabs. I have a birthmark on the underside of my left arm.

My Looks (MLP): I'm a female unicorn that's tall, lean, muscular and thin with a pale rosy-pink coat. I have a light and graceful build with freckles on my cheeks and between my eyes. My mane is long, wavy and messy, and a seafoam green with streaks of teal. My eyes are teal and the aura around my horn is also teal. I have a few stretch marks on my belly from my multiple pregnancies, and scars on the back of my neck from the short period I was cutting. My mane is always in a ponytail or messy braid, and rarely down.

Main Fears: Claustrophobia, arachnophobia, virgivitiphobia, and necrophobia.

I Love:
~Wattpad (no dip)
~Addertail <3
~My kits <3
~Honeyflower and Robinfeather <3
~Brightsky and Grayclaw <3
~Horseland (not really anymore)
~Drawing (Mainly cats and MLP)
~Percy Jackson
~My friends <3
~My family <3
~Stuffed animals (I feel you Puddie)
~My dog, Shadow
~My cat, Monster
~My guinea pigs, Holly and Penny
~My science teacher's guinea pig, Miss Sugar
~Volunteering with my animal shelter
~God <3
~All my followers! Thank you guys! <3

I Hate:
~When you take sarcasm seriously
~Donald Trump
~The German Shepherd that attacked me for no reason
~Spiders *shudder*
~When horses step on your foot
~When people deny hugs
~When people say "I'm fine" when I can tell they aren't
~Cussing -_-
~Stereotypical, OP OCs
~People who judge me for what I like
~When my fingers/toes get wrinkled and pruny
~Unnatural hair colors
~Drying my hair after a shower (Such a pain)
~Clueless people
~Harry Potter
~Hunger Games
~Star Wars
~My school's dress code (when someone wears a crop top, they don't care. When someone wears leggings, they get in trouble -_-)
~That time of month
~Having to wash my hands
(Okay that was way more than I expected...oops)

My Clothing Style:
~Flip-flops OR
~Riding boots
~Weird (usually nerdy) shirts from the men's section at Walmart
~Hair down or in low ponytail/bun
~Sweatshirt (worn/tied around my waist)
~Crappy backpack

~Comfy shirt of any kind (usually I <3 Wawa or another baggy shirt)
~Sweatpants or yoga pants or no pants (I hate pants)
~No shoes
~Fuzzy socks (sometimes)
~Putting my hair in a low bun or ponytail
~Hair down

~"It seems like everyone around me is in a relationship, and I'm just standing there like 'I like that tree. That's a nice tree."
~"I am a potato."
~"Oh Snapple tea"
~"I get about the same attention as a white crayon"
~"Roses are red, I have a phone, nobody texts me, forever alone"
~"WHY IS MY BRA IN THE FREEZER" (This happens so often, you wouldn't believe)
~"May StarClan light your path"
"Come on, guys, I can't answer all zero messages at once"
~"FFFFUUUUU-rack. Frack." (Usually when I stub my toe and my parents are home)
~"Frick frack Cadillac tic tac Aflac flapjack shibby
~"Kill me please"

Contents of my Purse (Whenever I'm desperate enough to bring it)
~Phone charger
~Granola bar OR bag of trail mix OR PopTarts(ALWAYS)
~Moolah $$$
~Hand sanitizer
~Pepper spray
~Nail clippers
~Gift cards
~Folded up umbrella (My purse isn't big, my umbrella's just small) OR poncho
~My keys with my house keys and my keycards for places like PetSmart, Walgreens and Winn Dixie
~Peppermints for my horses

My Best Wattpad Friends (That I don't know IRL)
All le admins. Too lazy to tag them

My Favorites
Warrior Cats: Ivypool, Jayfeather, Hollyleaf
MLP: Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack
Couples: Percabeth, FallenHolly, Flashlight, SoarinDash, FlutterMac, Rarijack, CheesePie, Carameljack
Season: Leaf-bare
Color: Rainbow <3
Letter: Don't really have one
Movie: Sisters/Zootopia
Quote: "Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end."
Show: MLP, Once Upon a Time, Total Drama
Holiday: Christmas, Easter, Halloween and my birthday

Quotes I love
~"Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end."
~"If there's one thing Harry Potter taught us, it's that no one should live in the closet."
~"I'd walk through fire for you! Well, not fire, that's dangerous. But a super humid room! But not too humid, because my hair."
~"I hope we're friends until we die. Then I hope we stay ghost friends and walk through walls and scare the crap out of people."
~"Worry doesn't take away tomorrow's troubles, it takes away today's peace."
~"If idiots could fly, school would be an airport."
~"I don't have an attitude problem. You have a problem with my attitude and that's not my problem."
~"Jesus had two fathers and he turned out fine."
~"Strangers think I'm quiet. My friends think I'm outgoing. My best friends know I'm completely insane."
~"Some people are like slinkies: They don't serve much purpose but you can't help but smile when they're pushed down the stairs."
~"Friends buy you lunch. Best friends eat your lunch."
~"Hey, clumsy. You dropped something." (Long story)
~"Sometimes, I question my sanity. Occasionally it replies."
~"Life sucks. Sometimes we fall apart. But last time I checked, broken crayons still colored."
~"Do not judge. You do not know what storm I have asked her to walk through."
~"F.E.A.R. has two meanings: Forget Everything And Run...or Face Everything And Rise."

Other Random Facts
~I don't like Harry Potter, but I have Potterheads as friends so they insisted I take the test to find out my house. I'm Hufflepuff (I just took the Pottermore test and it changed from Gryffindor to Hufflepuff XD)
~My half-blood OC is Lily Cooper- daughter of Poseidon(I didn't want to be OP but Poseidon is legit my personality). She is Caucasian with freckles and wavy dark brown hair. Slightly tall and good with nature and animals.
~I'm saving up to help my mom's friend pay for our new barn that we're buying soon

Favorite Warriors MAPs/PMVs/AMVs
Kings and Queens- Velo Cira
Anything You Can Do- Fireworkcat25
7 Years Old- Turtleshell369
Supernatural- CorgiWuffs (Don't get any ideas. I don't ship it it's just a good vid)
Life's Too Short- xJaystarzx
Listen to Your Heart- GinjaNinjaOwO
Bluestar's Skyfall- GinjaNinjaOwO
We All Still Die- WhiskerMoon
Youth- Eucalyptus splash
Mr. Brightside- Chloe Holderbaum
Surprise- GinjaNinjaOwO
I'm Not the One- Silver.
Thanks For the Memories- Shademic
Viva La Vida- RyuLovesTstue
This is War- DarkKokiri86
What Hurts the Most (Never to Be Finished)- GinjaNinjaOwO
I Will Not Bow- flightfootwarrior
Echo- HITA EighthSun


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