⭐️About Night⭐️

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Hi, I'm Night, or Night Hooves! You could also call me Natalie, my real name! I'm a thirteen year old girl. My main account is NightHooves and from that I'm sure you can gather two things: One, I like the night; two, I like a hoofed animal of sorts. Well, that hoofed animal is a horse! I am a horse by Chinese Zodiac, and I have three mares (female horse), a gelding ('fixed' male horse), and a brand-new colt. (Male baby horse)

I live in Wisconsin (U.S.A) on a farm with my family. Along with my horses, I have a few pigs, some cows, two chickens (soon to be three hens and a rooster), two gerbils, and a baby pigeon named Captain Jojo. I love all animals, and I love to learn all about them! My spirit animal is an owl.

I am a girl who is considered a little shy and socially awkward, but I can be really energetic and open around people I am comfortable with. I love art, animals, reading, writing, and many other things.

My fandoms include Warriors, Seekers, Survivors, Slayers, Harry Potter, My Little Pony, recently Steven Universe, Gravity Falls (;~;) and many more. I'm a RavenClaw in Harry Potter, and a Pegasus in MLP.

Well, maybe you're wondering about my family. My mom is a very kind person, but she is the law-enforcer of the house. Mom's the one who keeps us all on schedule. She loves gardening, cooking, cats, dogs, and writing. She is currently working on an amazing novel! My dad is very calm and carefree and he encourages creativity with everything! He can be a bit... Odd, at times, but he is uniquely him and I love him for that. He enjoys riding horses, painting, reading, and outdoor activities! Then there's my brother: he is really laid back and supportive. He is currently going for his Masters Degree in Marine Biology. Obviously, he likes marine wildlife. He's trying to convince my parents to take us all to Australia, claiming that we'd love it, but I'm sure he just wants to steal away to the Great Barrier Reef. His top marine interests include dolphins, whales, porpoises, Sharks, and eels. (Eels are weird, you guys. Don't mess with them...)

Back to me! I dream of being a professional Equestrian someday, maybe even in the olympics! If that doesn't work out, I want to be an equine veterinarian. I currently love drawing and I am homeschooled. I have family from England and I have been there twice. (Check it out guys. The U.K. Is AWESOME!) I have an unhealthy obsession with England. And riding horses. I have a problem with that. Problem spelled O B S E S S I O N. I love music too. Nothing better than music.

Hope you enjoyed reading about me! Farewell! ~Night

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