Reason 5-

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~Hey guys I'm gonna do something different, I'm going to do quotes and poems with the reasons. Now I ran out of reasons so I'm going to add quotes and poems, but the chapters will say,"Reason (number)-"

"Razors pain you,
Rivers are damp,
Acids stain you,
And drugs cause cramp.
Guns aren't lawful,
Nooses give,
Gas smells awful.
You might as well live."


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"Depression is hard; I know, we all know

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"Depression is hard; I know, we all know. It's not attention seeking. It's not desperation. Depression is a cry for help, the people with it suffer and give up. If you give up who will take your place? Who would be as great as you? No one, because you're unique. Who cares that you like MLP? Who cares that you like anime? No one should make fun of you because of it. No one should make fun of your scars. No one should make fun of your looks. No one should make fun of your problems. YOU are YOU! Embrace it! Don't let haters bring you down!"


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