The Skatebored

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        Broken. This big dumb oaf. I take a deep breath to calm my nerves. "Oi," I speak up, "Asshat." The boy in front of me looks down at me. He doesn't even look like he cares. Well I will make him care. How dare he be so damn rude.

          "What." His voice is dull, and tired sounding. It somehow makes me even more annoyed and angry. Plus the way he's just casually stands there in front of me like he's done nothing wrong, just has me all in all really pissed off.

          "What do you mean what, you broke my board dickhead." I glare up at him. He seems to almost look amused for a moment, and it makes me want to hit him. How dare he break my precious skateboard. My most prized possession.

          "You're the one who fell on it. Anyway it's not my problem." Jerk. What kinda guy knocks a girl over then acts like it was nothing. Usually I wouldn't care, but this is different. My board broke, and for that I will end him.

          "Wow," I stand from the spot I had fallen to on the floor. "You kiss your mama with that mouth." For a moment he almost looks surprised, and before he can actually retort I'm on the ground again. Face first. Someone clinging to me and squealing. That someone being Momoi Satsuki. Family.

          "Momo, my dearest cousin." I mumble out that last part a bit sarcastically. "I'm going to give you to the count of three to get off me." Just like that she moves, and I am able to stand again. Gravity is not my friend today is it? "I'm sorry (Name)-Chan! It's just I haven't seen you in forever!" "Momo you literally saw me yesterday."

          The guy from earlier speaks up, "Satsuki you know this chick?" She's about to respond when I interrupt. "Did you not just hear me call her my cousin? A little slow aren't ya? No wonder you broke my board." He looks at me a bit agitated. "What are you a broken record? It's just a dumb skateboard." Just then Momo glared at him. "Aomine-Kun, you broke (Name)-Chan's skateboard? That's not very nice." He sighs annoyed.

          "How much is it even worth?" He says not wanting to argue anymore. I look at the broken halves of the board feeling a little sad. Then I look up at him again. "You idiot." Then I storm off. The only place I want to be now is in my bed.

~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~

          I set the broken pieces of my skateboard in my room and walk out. I sit in front of the small altar in the living room. A memorial to my father. His ashes in an urn surrounded by pictures of him and his old skateboarding trophies.

          "Hey pops, how you been?" I sigh. "I'm sorry I let your old board get broken. You trusted me with it and now," I almost can't finish my sentence because of the tears that are threatening to spill. I lean my head against the edge of the table. Before I know it I've fallen asleep, and miss the sound of the apartment door unlocking. The sound of voices murmuring not even noticed. I hadn't slept in ages after all.

          When I finally wake up I'm not in the same spot. Is this, my bed? What? How? I can hear people talking in the other room. Slowly I get up, slowly I walk to the door, and slowly I open it. Who could it be? Who is in my apartment? All I get though at first is a face full of pink hair. Momo.

          "Oh my gosh! (Name)-Chan I was so worried about you! The way you just stormed off like that!" I stand there and listen to her rant not really feeling like moving. When she finally pulled away and looked at me she was crying. "I'm sorry Momo, I didn't mean to upset you." Why is she such a child?

          Our attention is grabbed by the sound of someone clearing their throat. I look to the sound and notice the offender from earlier. Great. "Yeah?" I say annoyed. He looks away and rubs the back of his neck. He looks almost sad? "Look, I'm sorry I knocked you over and broke your skateboard, or whatever. And I'm sorry I acted like a dick."

          "Alright, I forgive you." Even if I'm still upset about it being broken I can't really hold it over him when he came all this way to apologize, and the fact he did apologize shows that maybe I misjudged him a little. Although he is still a jerk. "Really?" He says dumbfounded. "I thought that thing was really special to you? Satsuki said it was your dad's or something?" Momo told him? Well then. "Yeah, it was special. It was one of a kind. I don't even know if the guy my pops had gotten it from even still makes them, but I'm not going to hold a grudge over an object. That would just be dishonoring my dad's memory. Also you apologized, something I had not expected." He seems to think about what I have said for a moment and then nods his head.

          "Wooooow (Name)-Chan that was so nice of you!" "What's that supposed to mean dumb dumb? You trying to say I'm usually mean?" She squeaks. "Well no!" What am I going to do about her.

          "Anyway," I look back over to the boy and for once he actually looks at me. "Since you are in my apartment it would be rude of me not to introduce myself. I am (Last Name) (First Name)." "Right, I'm Aomine Daiki." I smile politely and say, "It's nice to meet you."

~~~~~~~Aomine Daiki's P.O.V.~~~~~~~

          "(Name)-Chan?" "Yeah Momo?" "Let's watch a movie!" The two of them talk back and forth about movies and I am left with my thoughts.

          Wow she's really cute. God and that rack. She is definitely related to Satsuki. Why was I such a jerk to her? She didn't even put up with it. She's fiery and sassy and not what I expected of someone related to Satsuki. Her place is pretty nice too. Does she live alone? What about her mom? She's got a cool name too. I wonder why I haven't met her already. Has Satsuki been holding out on me? Wow she has a really nice smile.

          "So what do you think?" It's (Name), shoot I wasn't paying attention. "What?" She laughs and I'm pretty sure it's one of the best sounds I have ever heard. "What kind of movie do you want to watch?" Quick gotta be cool. Answer with something cool. Like, "I dunno whatever's cool." Score! That was cool right? Well I think it is. "Uh huh, suuuure." She rolls her eyes, and the teasing tone in her voice tells me it didn't work. Damn. Gotta try harder.

          I can't help but watch the way her hips sway as she walks to the TV in the living room. The way she moves. I like it. Is she even aware of how she looks? I watch her walk over to a chair and plop down. She sits just like a kid, crossing her legs and holding her chin in her hand. "Well," She speaks up. "There's a couch over there that's practically begging you guys to sit in it." More sass. I sit next to Satsuki on the couch, a bit curious as to what type of movie she will pick. Does she like romance? Maybe Comedies?

~~~~~~~Reader's P.O.V.~~~~~~~

          I scroll through the selection of movies on Netflix looking for a good one. Hum this looks good. I click play and the movie starts. Horror. A sly smile forms on my face and I can feel excitement welling within me. This is going to be fun. Lot's and lot's of fun.  

Mayhem (Aomine x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang