First Date

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 I held my breath as I watched the character on screen. I held back the squeal I so desperately wanted to release. This character is too much. Too cute. Too precious. I couldn't hold it in anymore. "Oh my god you precious turnip don't you listen to them! You just do you!" I heard a deep laugh and looked to my right where Aomine laid on the floor lazily. "So, turnip is an endearing term? Meaning you called me precious?" Shit. Shit shit shit. God damn mother teresa save me now. My ass is so cooked. Lord help me and my stupid soul.

I could feel my face burning. Telling by his expression I was definitely giving him a stink face. Abscond. Quickly I catapulted over the side of the couch. I then ran down the hall as fast as I could and locked myself in my room. Thank you dad for the skateboard skills that aided in my daring escape. "Oi, get back out here." He was already at the other side of the door. Had he followed after me? Well damn I'm good at this escaping thing.

I could hear him banging lightly on the door. "Hey I was right wasn't I? That means I win the game so get out here?" Maybe I'll be lucky and he won't have noticed that I have an odd crush on him? It's not like it's obvious. The turnip thing though. That probably gave it all away. God why do I have to refer to the people I like as turnips?

"So you won't come out then?" A heavy sigh. "Look I'm sorry if I upset you, will you come out? I get one wish right? Well I wish you would come out." Dammit. I put my hand on the door knob and took a deep breath, hoping to calm my insane blush. I really tried to keep him out of my heart but, I couldn't. Dammit. Why did this have to happen. Stupid boys. I'm so embarrassed. No! You are a strong independant woman! You can do this. I slowly unlocked the door. So far so good. Stay calm. I opened the door.

I wasn't ready for what happened once I opened that door. I expected to see him waiting or to have walked off. I did not expect him to kiss me. To step forward, grab my face in his hands. To bend down to my level. I especially did not expect a kiss from him to be so delicate, and gentle. So unsure.

I couldn't help it, I kissed him back. It was nice. Probably better than any other I have had. Sure I've been kissed before, I've dated a pretty reasonable amount of people, but never were they this gentle with me. Though none of them ever lasted that long either to be fair. I only ever dated them because I had felt bad for them or because I didn't have anything better to do. This is different. I actually have feelings for this big idiot, I was ready to make him hate me, and then he goes and kisses me.

I pull away first. My face likely flushed again. "I'm sorry, I just." I look at him. He looks nervous. He's blushing. Thats a good sign right? "I really fuckin like you." What? "Like, it's almost frustrating because I can't get you out of my head. Which makes it really hard for me to look at Mai-chan and," He paused. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I hadn't realised I was giving him any particular look. He is just such a dummy. My smile turned into a laugh.

"You are such an idiot." I laughed. The situation only made him more flustered. "I-I am not! You're the idiot! You could have just said you liked me instead of making me play a dumb turnip game." "Now where is the fun in that?" He somewhat glared at me. "Did you have to be such a sore loser though? Chasing you down the hall was tiring, you're faster than you look." "Oh my god you are such a baby!" "Says the sore loser." I hit him playfully. This stupid idiot. He has a real annoying knack for making me happy and angry at the same time.

"So, does this mean you'll be my girlfriend? Or what?" "Oh I don't know, it may be fun to make you work for it~" I teased. Score one for me and my video game references. He just sort of grumbled. "You are such a tease." I laughed. "And you are a turnip~" He blushed. "Yeah okay, let's just go finish that movie." He grabbed my hand and gently pulled me down the hall.

Once back in the living room he sat on the couch and pulled me down to sit in his lap. Then he propped his chin on the top of my head. "Better?" I asked laughing at how weird he was being. "Yeah." So he acts cool but actually is a really affectionate guy? How adorable. I could feel him wrap his arms around me. Right under my boobs. Is he doing that on purpose? Not that I actually care.

Well since I won't be moving for a while I settle in and watch the movie. What's left of it anyways. Does this count as Netflix and chill? I never understood that saying. I assume it means hanging out and watching Netflix.

I watch the credits roll. "So what do you want to watch now?" I cross my arms and think for a moment. There's a lot of good stuff on Netflix. Maybe a show? There's that new anime up, what was it called? Ajin? That sounds good. "How about Ajin?" "What's that?" "A new anime on Netflix, it seemed good." "Sure why not." He grabbed the remote and played the show.

The beginning is already really good, but that intro song. I had to keep myself from wanting to dance along. It was awesome. Not to self, make ringtone.

After a few minutes he speaks up. "Holy shit did that just happen?" "Looks li.... Woa what? He, is he? Regenerating? Thats pretty cool." "Yeah it is." Then after a few more minutes. "Oh shit head kick." "I ship it." "Ship it?" I laughed a bit at him. "Yeah it's where," "Yeah I know, I didn't know you shipped though." "Boy I do more than just ship, I write fanfiction too." "No shit? Thats pretty cool." "I guess."

"That was pretty good." I said as the episode ended. "Yeah, wanna watch the next episode?" "Actually I was thinking about making food." One of his arms moved from around me, most likely to the back of his neck. "Or if you want, I could take you out. On like a date." I laughed. "You wanna take me on a daaaaate~" I teased and stood up looking down at him. He was blushing. "Yeah, got a problem with that?" I put my finger to my lips and imitated a thinking motion. "I guess not, just let me get dressed. Jamjams are no good for a first date after all." "Okay."

With that I walked off to my room to find something cute to wear letting out my hair from it's messy bun. I closed the door and looked at myself in the full length mirror. Combing my hair out with my fingers I thought about what to wear. A skirt? I have nice legs so showing them off would be ideal. Maybe a crop top? I have that one black one that makes my boobs and waist look good. Oh! That crop top with my black high waist skirt! That will work. I have those socks too. The ones that reach my knees. I could wear those with my leather boots, the ones with the chains. Oh or I could do my boots that cut off at the ankles and have ruffles at the back. Those look good even though they have a slight heel. I'll do that.

After a few moments of getting dressed I walked out in (nice but also casual outfit of choice). Good I look hot. I walked into the living room where he was waiting for me. "Ready to go?" He turned to look at me only briefly before looking away. "Damn woman." I tilted my head. "What?" "You are such a tease." I giggled. "If you say sooo~" "I do. Let's just go then."

He closed the door behind us and locked it with my key putting it in his pocket and taking my hand. "So where to?" "I was thinking maybe that little restaurant that one over by the new park?" I noded my head. "Alright cool. They have bomb fries." "They really do." "I hear they are homemade." "Really?" "Yep." This is kind of exciting. A boyfriend I actually like. Sure he is an idiot but I can handle him. An actual date though? This is a bit new. None of the boys I 'went out with' before ever actually wanted to take me out. They always wanted to only hang with me at like school and stuff. Never actually wanting to see me in public. This is kind of cool. Bonus my boyfriend is hot. I should probably keep my eyes out. A lotta she sharks out there, and I don't share.

~~~~~~~Aomine's P.O.V.~~~~~~~

Damn she is just drop dead gorgeous. I'm so lucky. She actually likes my stupid ass. I need to do my best to keep her. I don't want to do something stupid and lose her or have someone try to sweep her away. No there will be no sweeping. I don't share. I won't.

I look down at her. She looks happy. That's good. Oh god an actual date. With an actual girlfriend. One hot enough to knock Mai-chan right out of the game. If I had a magazine filled with her. Well. I would probably keep it to myself and as safe as possible and would likely get pissed off at anyone that tried to look at her. Did that guy over there just look at her? No I don't think so. She is beautiful.

I look up at the restaurant. Finally here. It's a semi nice place. I open the door for her. Girls like this kind of stuff right. I hope so. "Hello, just two?" I look at the lady that spoke. "Yeah." (Name) answered her. "Table or booth?" I look to (Name) letting her pick. "Booth~" We follow the lady to a booth and sit down. "Here's the menu, your server will be with you shortly." "Okay thank you."

I looked at her and watched as she looked through the simple menu. I already know what I want. I've been here with my parents once before. "What should I get?" She spoke up. "I dunno, a burger?" "That sounds good, oooooh! They have chicken strips! I want that! Oh but pancakes," She trailed off going back and forth between the two options. She is indecisive. It's kinda cute. "Okay I think I'll just do that." This is going to be a fun day isn't it?

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