Alpha's Babies - 3

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I drove around aimlessly, according to Jason, I was out trying to find Colten. I know I shouldn't have broken my promise but I just didn't want to bother him with the twins. I was scared he'd deny them or something. That was what scared me the most.

I deliberately drove past the high school, keeping my head low and thankful that the twins were asleep.
I drove slowly and looked. Zach was walking out of school scowling at something. Callie was on his arm but seemingly telling him off for something.
Zach was carrying his football jersey in his hand.

I knew immediately what happened. Callie had always said that the jersey was hideous and if she dated one of the football players then she would never ever wear it.Shesaid, and I quote, "I would rather set myself alight."
Zach, however, insisted that his girlfriend should wear it because it was being 'supportive'.
Personally, I hated wearing it but the lengths I had to go to just to make that boy happy.

I felt angry but one thing I was grateful for was the fact that Zach wasn't the father to my babies
I dont know how I'd react if he was.
Callie suddenly gave a double take because she saw me.
I pressed down hard on the pedal and zoomed forward before she could take a proper look. I did not need those two to be poking their beaks in my business.

I drove to Zach's least favourite diner so I know they wouldn't be going there. I took the boys' car seats out and brought them inside.
Immediately, Caden started yelling at being disturbed.
I set myself down and picked him up, snuggling him against me, "It's okay, baby. I'm here." I reassured him.

He blinked up at me with his wet eyelashes and pushed his thumb into his mouth. He had a shade or two darker blue eyes than Corbin. I knew for a fact that their dad must have had blue eyes. I've got boring brown eyes and do the rest of my family.
I could see myself in the twins' faces but I kept wondering which part they got from Colten.
I hadn't seen his face, everything was a hazy memory.
I just remember feeling so at ease with him, like I was supposed to be in his arms.

I took Caden's thumb out and I brought a milk bottle out and pushed it gently into Caden's mouth.
"There you go, angel. Isn't that better than a thumb?" I asked him. His hand gripped my finger and he looked up at me all the while drinking his milk.
I laughed "Take that as a yes,"

"Oh what a sweet baby!"
I looked up to see a middle aged couple that I'd seen a couple of times in my old pack. They didn't seem to recognise me, thankfully.
The woman looked startled when she saw Corbin asleep in his chair.
"Twins! Even better, aren't you a lucky thing?" she said, clapping her hands delightfully.
Her husband smiled politely but then he sniffed. "They seem to have some strong Alpha blood in them..." He said,
I looked down quickly at Caden.
"Uhm..." I swallowed not knowing how to reply.

The man narrowed his eyes "That's a little too strong to be in this part of town. Who is their father?"
"Henry!" the woman said elbowing him sharply.
"I just want to know! The blood in those babies are dangerously powerful,"
I clutched Caden tighter, not even concentrating on feeding him anymore.

The woman narrowed her eyes too, then they widened. "Oh! That's the Wescott's girl!" she gasped. I hastily pulled the bottle out of Caden's mouth and placed him back in his chair.
"The one who slept with the rival pack's Alpha?"
I pretended not to hear them and buckled Caden's belt and pulled Corbin's hat securely on his head.

"Why would she even do that? Doesn't she know what that man has been doing?"

I felt tears pricking my eyes and I lifted the handle on both the car seats and pushed past the couple. "Excuse me," I spat.
"You aren't excused! You made a mistake letting yourself carry his pups." she said waving vaguely and my babies.
I whisked around sharply. "No! I didn't! I think you're the mistake here, maybe your mother should have listened in health class!" I yelled at her.

I turned on my heel and back to my car where I put my babies in the backseat securely and then drove back home. I had to do it carefully though, sometimes you can't drive properly when your eyes are full of tears.

By the time Jason came back the next day after his football practice, I had already packed half my stuff.
"What's happening here?" He asked. Both the twins, only in their diapers, crawled at lightning speed once they saw Jason.
I sighed "I'm moving, Jace,"
With both boys in his arms he smiled at me "Oh, great, where to?"
"No," I said sitting on a box of clothes "I mean moving away,"

Jason put the boys down in their play pen and gave them each a baby biscuit from his backpack to eat.
"What? Raiven! Why?" he asked.
"Because, it's a huge scandal, me and the Alpha. I don't want it to get to school," I said miserably.
"But it doesn't mean you have to move!" he said gripping my shoulders. "how am I gonna see you and the boys?"
I stood up shrugging and moved away from him "You're gonna have to book a flight. I've made up my mind."

"But what about Daddy Alpha? Isn't he here?"
"Zoe told me he was a senior but he was definitely older so I think he's in another town."

Corbin started shrieking as Cayden hit him repeatedly over the head with a broken biscuit.
I took the biscuit away from Caden and he started shrieking too, I ignored him and brushed the crumbs from Corbin's hair.
Jason bit his lip "I wanna come too,"
I shook my head "No, I need a new life. Just me and my boys."

I really did need to get away from here. I didn't want to face Zach or Callie. I didn't want to face anyone.
I wanted a nice human place where no one would know I'm a wolf, where my sons never have to find out that they're Alpha's.

"Look, I'm graduating in like three months so after that, I'm coming to where you are,"
"Jace, no. I really wanna do this on my own," I said, almost bursting into tears. I remembered how I'd pushed April away when all she'd done was help me.
"Raiven, I'm not discussing this with you. Zach's gonna have to deal with it when I move,"

I put my head down as a tear fell. "Please don't,"
Jason clenched his jaw tight. "Just because Zach did something bad doesn't mean the rest of us are bad! You can trust me, Ray,"
I sniffed and looked into his sincere green eyes.
"I know," I lied. I picked up Corbin just for something to keep my hands busy. Caden whined out of jealousy.
I stroked his hair instead.
"We're gonna be fine, Jace. I promise,"

He sighed and pushed his blond hair back. "You can't run away forever,"
I kissed Corbin's cheek and looked at Jason defiantly. "Yes, I can. And I will,"
"Raiven! This is stupid! You're gonna confuse the poor boys,"
"They're six months old, for goodness sakes, everything confuses them!"
I said.
Jason pressed his lips together. "If you don't stay then I'm telling Zach about the twins." He said coldly. I knew he meant business.

My mouth hung open. "Is that a threat?"
Jason looked stern. "No, iit's a damn well promise,"
"You're supposed to be on my side!" I shouted, my tears dripping on to Corbin's hair.
"I am. That's why I want you to stay!"

I looked at him, like properly. I'd know Jason vaguely for years but I'd never really looked at him. To me, he was just Zach's football teammate and the beta's son nothing more.
But he was hot, though. I couldn't believe he'd wanted to help me when I gave birth. I didn't even know how he'd found out. Probably April and her big mouth.
His short blond hair was a mess now that he'd been running his hands through it agitatedly.

I didn't want to look him in the eye. "Jason, I wanna be able to make my own decisions,"
Jason came forward and took Corbin from me and set him back down next to Caden. Then very carefully, he wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me close so that our foreheads touched.
"Please don't go," he whispered. His voice sent down my spine. But I couldn't do this. Not to my own mate or Jason's future mate.
"Jason -"

He cut me off by pressing his lips onto mine. Ever since I kissed Colten, I've had such high standards on how a kiss is supposed to be or feel like. This wasn't it.
Jason pulled away and smiled "Wasn't that good?" he asked.
"Uhm, yeah." I lied. It was just a kiss. It didn't mean anything to me. But I couldn't tell him that, that's just looking to crush his ego for life.

"See why you should stay?" he said softly. I had to admit that I kinda had a crush on him and i did want my boys to grow up knowing Jason.
I nodded again. Jason smiled brightly "Great, get the kids ready, I'll treat us to a walk in the park!" he said as if it was the best thing that's ever going to happen in my life. "Oh, yippee." I said flatly.

All the way to the park, I still thought about moving away. I'd hate it if Callie and Zach learned about the babies. They'd already told the whole school that I moved away to get hitched in the country to an omega.
So imagine what they'd say if they saw the twins. I looked back at them in the backseat. Corbin mesmerized by his seat belt, Caden playing with Jason's huge football helmet, trying to grasp it with both his tiny hands. I smiled at them and then looked at Jason "April said that Alpha babies are always different from normal pups. Is that true?"

Jason kept his eyes on the road and shrugged slightly. "I dunno,"
"You're a Beta's son. You grew up with Alphas,"
He only shrugged again and pulled up to the parking lot. "But what are you going to do when their dad's pack needs a new Alpha? Whose gonna take the place?"
I looked back at them again. It was a question I'd never thought of. I couldn't just pick and choose. What would the other twin become? "Simple. I won't tell them they're alpha's."

Jason looked like he wanted to say something but he thought the better of it and opened his door and got out. I took Caden, but he didn't want to let go of the helmet and shrieked every time I pulled it away. For a six month old pup, he had a strong personality. Jason took Corbin and we walked together in a comfortable silence to a nearby bench. We both sat them on the bench table, Caden still trying to clutch the helmet. I watched them as they looked around at the trees and butterflies around them. I nearly got choked up.
My mom had said that I'd ruined my future by having these kids but I don't think I did. I think it just put my life on hold for a bit.

Out of nowhere, Jason's free hand found its way to mine and he squeezed it tight. He didn't say anything though. He didn't have to.
I smiled at him "Thankyou for everything, Jace." I said.
Jason smiled sheepishly and then placed his helmet over Caden's head comically. I could hear his sweet giggle from inside the helmet. I laughed too. I think maybe, just maybe, I might stay...


A familiar voice came from behind us. We both spun around. There stood Callie and two other girls who'd climbed up the popularity ladder since I'd left. Jason looked startled but he still kept hold of Caden. Her eyebrow raised when she saw me "You," she spat.
I kept my mouth shut.
Callie's eyes caught the babies. She looked at me then at them and back to me. The corner's of her lips went up and she showed her pearly whites.
"Oh!" she spluttered "Really? Twins, Raiven? Oh you naughty girl!"
I still kept my mouth shut.

"Oh this is just too good!" she said throwing her head back and laughing. Her cronies tittered behind her obediently. "Your boyfriend ends up being my mate and you punish him by going and having babies? You are low,"
Then she called me a few bad words. Like, really bad.
Jason's fist clenched. "Hey, watch your mouth,"
Callie fluffed up her hair and placed a hand on her narrow hip and pretended to pout. "Oh why? Is the little ones gonna cry?" she said in a mock baby voice.

Jason took Caden's helmet off, pretending not to hear her. Corbin's blue eyes were locked on Callie. His small brow furrowed. Come to think of it, so was Caden's. They both watched her, silent as she moved - like they knew she was bad news.

"So," Callie continued, "What's the little kiddos names? Oh gosh, I hope you're still not hung up over your ex and called them Zach and Zachary or something," she said laughing at her own feeble joke.
"Never in a million years. I'm glad you get my leftovers anyway," I said calmly.
Callie narrowed her eyes. "You're the one that got knocked up from an Omega,"
I didn't even bother to tell her wrong. I didn't know if she was just ignorant to the fact that both babies had alpha scents or whether she was just plain stupid.

Then she looked at Jason. "And youve been helping her all this time? Zach's gonna have a fit when he hears about this."
Jason rolled his eyes and stood up, "C'mon, Ray." he said to me.
I didn't need to be told twice. I picked up Corbin and stood up. As I tried to walk away, Callie grabbed a fistful of my hair and yanked it back yelling, "Don't turn your back on me!"
I got caught off guard and Corbin slipped from my hands.

I was so, so,so grateful that he was a Were baby. Any human baby would have been hurt like crazy but Corbin had some kind of reflex and he curled up somehow but landed perfectly fine on the grass.
I nearly caught a full on heart attack, Jason yelped and even Callie and her cronies gasped in shock.

I looked down at Corbin who'd rolled over onto his back and was looking stunned. His little face scrunched up and he spluttered and then burst into tears. I scrambled to pick up my son and covered him with kisses as he cried.
"It's okay, it's okay, Mommy's here, Coco," I said softly, stroking his curls shakily.

Callie closed her mouth quickly once she saw there was nothing wrong with him. "Urgh, shove some milk down his throat and he'll be fine," she said tossing her hair.

Jason must have seen the flash of yellow in my eyes. He took Corbin in his arms with Caden quickly.
"You cow," I growled.
Now, I have never shifted in broad daylight in public like this but some situations are just unavoidable.

I lunged for her throat immediately.
I could smell the fear coming off of her. her eyes wide in terror.
I snarled and snapped at her, my anger for Zach seemed to motivate me even more.
I wrestled with her to the ground and then finally pinned her down.
I growled and salivated furiously, I wanted to grab her neck and tear her apart.

Shhe'd been my best friend since the cradle and if she would have just pulled me aside and told me Zach was her mate, it would have caused me less pain.

But her friends caught me and dragged me back off her.
"Take her to the car, quick!" Jason ordered still grabbing hold firmly to the twins.
I let my self be dragged away but not before I reached out and clawed at Callie's leg, leaving three huge claw marks.
She howled in pure pain.

I let my body go limp and let myself be took away.

Corbin still hadn't stopped crying since the park. It was three in the morning and I was trying to get the twins ready. Caden was already dressed and in his car seat, sleeping soundly. Corbin was still yelling as I struggled to put his coat on.
He had no injuries at all from his fall so I had no idea why he was crying.
"Shh, baby, shh," I said desperately, glancing back at my bedroom.

II'd already brought my stuff to the car and all I needed now was to get the boys down and it's be alright. Finally, I buckled Corbin in, he squirmed and cried even louder.
I sighed and kissed him then grabbed some spare paper and pen and scribbled down -

Jace, I really hope you understand. Come visit me sometime?
Lots and lots of kisses,
Raiven and the boys xx

I looked back, sighed again and left with the twins.

I hadn't planned this. I hadn't thought of anything. I paid the auto train ticket to take me, my boys and the car to any destination. I decided that the fifth stop would be where I would make a new life.
I sat on the train, the boys either side of me. I stared out at the countryside whizzing past and tried not to cry.

I had no idea where I was going to live, I needed a job and a place where I could drop of the boys while I worked.
It was too much. I should have listened to Jason. But it was too late now.
Corbin hiccuped in his sleep from all that crying. I stroked both of their curls and then lay my head back and closed my eyes and tears seeped through.

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