What to put in your dance bag

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This chapter is what to put in your dance bag. I have been dancing for a couple years now. I just got a new dance bag this year it's medium size not to big and not to small either! Anyways here are some of the things you should put in your dance bag:

➡Dance shoes ⬅:
Most obvious one, you should always have your dance shoes with you but I always like to have my jazz shoes.

Extra hair ties and Bobby pins:
Just in case your hair ties broke & the Bobby pins for loose hair pieves.Always good to be prepare 😀

Drink/Bring water bottle:
Its very self-explanatory....  I take 1liter bottle to class with me

I personally like to take one of these to class with me and write down correction/combinations,ect. And write down schedule for the next couple days and you can practice at home.

~ Hygenic Things~
You always need a packet of the following things in your bag just in case: tissues, band-aids,pads/tampons(it's the time😒 ) always have a stick of roll deodorant and a little stick of lip balm for when your lips get dry.

Only take this if you have long break between class or of your teacher/instructer/coach gives you a break.

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