I Love You...

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(Sebastian's POV)

"I love you... Well I think I do..." I smiled when I heard that and kissed Ciel's forehead. "I love you too... Ciel." I then see Ciel close his eyes from exhaustion and fall asleep quickly. "I will be with you forever and always young lord... I will protect you if it's the last thing I do... I love you so much Ciel... I can't even describe it..." After I said that, Ciel snuggled into my arms as he smiled in his sleep. I blush and hold him close as I start to doze off into a nice, deep sleep.

~The next morning~

I wake up to see Ciel still in my arms, in a peaceful sleep. He hasn't had a decent sleep in a while... I'm glad he's sleeping well. I smiled as I hugged Ciel. "Hm...?" I look and see Ciel rubbing his eyes. He's waking up now? I thought he might sleep in a bit... I look at Ciel and smiled. "Good morning master." Ciel looked at Sebastian and realized what happened last night and blushed a bright red and covered himself into the blankets more. "You damn demon! When we were done you could've at least slept in my room!" I giggled. "Somebody seems to be in a grumpy mood." I kiss Ciel's cheek and look at him. "Master... I have a question." Ciel looked at me. "Go on..." I smiled a bit. "Do you love me master...?"

(Ciel's POV)

"Do you love me master...?" I was shocked by the sudden question. All of a sudden my face was getting hot, which I knew right then and there that I was blushing. I nod in response and layed my head on Sebastian. "I don't know why but I guess me turning into a demon explained my feelings..." I close my eyes and sigh. "I'm hungry... Can I get something to eat?" Sebastian layed me back onto the bed and stands up and gets dressed. "Of course my Lord." Sebastian turned around and smiled. "Be prepared to answer quite a few questions. I'll be back in a few with a soul for you." Sebastian bowed and left the room. I sigh and sit up and stretch. Right when I went to start stretching, a really bad pain flowed through me. "Ouch! Damn it!" I wince more as I begin to lay down. "That damn demon is going to pay... Pleasurable my ass..." My eyes widen and blush really bad when I thought about last night. I-It actually felt.... Good.... But why am I feeling pain now? It's weird... I guess I'll talk to Sebastian when he gets back in here... I sigh again as I close my eyes. Right when I close my eyes I hear a knock. I let out a big sigh as I said, "Come in." I open my eyes and I stare at the door.

(Sebastian's​ POV)

I knock on my masters bedroom door and smiled. "Come in." I went in the room and giggled. "Seems like you woke up on your own." "S-Shut up... Now explain to me why the hell you said it would be pleasurable when my ass hurts! I can't even sit up!" I could see my master blush as he said that. I couldn't help but chuckle. "Master... Was it very pleasurable at the moment?" I sat next to the master on his bed. I saw him nod and I smiled. "See I did not lie... I told the truth... I didn't say it wouldn't hurt afterwards." I giggled and smiled. "And it hurts because I kind of got carried away and went a little rough by accident. It was my fault master. I take full responsibility and I am sorry." "Don't say sorry... I-I actually liked you being rough..." I couldn't help but blush at that. I smiled and looked at my master. "So you liked it...?" I seen his head nod and I giggled. "I would love to ask if you would like to be mine but... I'm only a butler... And your my master..." "Who cares... I'm dead am I not? I'm a demon now... Tell everyone I'm dead and then I can be yours." I never thought that my master could be like that. "Are you sure master...? That would upset Lizzy so much." "She's too annoying... I wanted her gone as soon as we got engaged. She's too loud..." I couldn't help but laugh at that. "That is true but you will hurt others if you say your dead. And you would have to keep yourself hidden from everyone that knows you. Because if not there could be trouble for you." "I don't care... I want to be with you and that's final... Go do as your told..." I nodded as I stood up and bowed. "As you wish my young Lord." My master turned to me and this took me by surprise. "Don't call me those names anymore... Call me Ciel Phantomhive..." I seen him smiled and I smiled back and kissed his forehead. "Of course... Ciel..." I smiled at him. "I love you..." "I love you too Sebastian..." I then seen Ciel fall into a deep sleep. Yes demons don't need sleep but they can sleep if they want to. I walked out and shut the door and sighed. "Alright... Tell everyone that he's dead... This shouldn't be too hard..."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2017 ⏰

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