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Hey guys what's up ok now I'm here today go give my little sister her boyfriend some rules so here we go lol^^ oh and some of this was from my cousins but they all are like my older brothers so lol ^^

1: please please keep all of your sexy thoughts to yourself please

2: don't be the Jerk and make her pay for everything

3: don't be a bad boy nope nope

4: Don't be mean or rude to my sister or else....

5: you may hug her but any more than that....you better run

6: and if you want to hit something....Please hit the wall please because if I see something on her.....you know..

7:me and my boyfriend and my other sisters don't mind being your friend but if you use us to find out something about our sister....

8: if you hurt her feelings or anything that she likes or whatever...just run from older brothers...

9: no DRUGS, ACHLOHAL OR TOBACCO or someone is going to see the doctor today

10: and if we all find out that you use our sister to get back at a ex-girl or whatever.....my boyfriend will be needing a new punching bag

11: Don't lie to her or anyone..

12: and the biggest thing you need to know is.................no having or doing sex nope nope nope nope

Hmmmm.....can't think of anything else now.....oh will anyway all of this rules....go to ALL of the young ones boyfriend too.....that is my sister and specially for lunarblue003 and her boyfriend Jack_Rogers

And btw kids I didn't write all of this my brothers did....and yeah...anyway I'm still happy that my little baby sister got a perfect boyfriend for her in it made my day and mood happy and I'm so happy that you guys are together and I'll I want to say is you too look so cute for each other and everything....and just remember to read the rules first k...

And frfr this does go to my other sisters too:





And I think for myself too Ashley here hehe^^ but oh will I don't need it anyway....and so have a good night guys^^

~Ashley and brothers

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