Chapter Nine : The Christmas Story

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To gain, there must be loss.

For there to be loss, somebody must feel pain.

Patricia didn't want pain, she wouldn't allow no more of it. Her father and mother were merciless taken from her, and she'll avenge their deaths. Severus Snape killed her mother, and his daughter killed her father. Severus Snape is dead. Ellia Snape is not. She is untouchable physically, which is why Patricia wanted Draco. She craved the human attention that was no longer welcome for a Death Eater in hiding. Everybody feared her existence, or would report her straight to the authorities. Straight the the Ministry. Draco would protect her. Him, his mother and father would protect her. She just needed a spell to blind him of his love for Ellia. Surely it wouldn't be that hard.

Several days had passed since Ellia and Draco had arrived to Malfoy Manor, and all seemed to be going well. Ellia kept a safe distance from Lucius, and spoke no word to him. It seemed rude but it was the easiest way to avoid arguments or outbursts of anger at one another. Truth being they despised each other but only put with each other's company for the sake of Draco and Narcissa. When the snow settled on the ground, late Christmas Eve, and Narcissa and Lucius had personally gone out to collect wood from their stores, Draco found the perfect opportunity to spend time with his girlfriend.

"Ellia," he said, walking towards his girlfriend, who was huddled up in a chair, "You look cold." He pulled his blanket that he had wrapped around his shoulders off, and instead wrapped around her fragile body before sitting beside her.

"Thank you," she muttered, tucking her head down into his chest and using his body as a heat source. He wrapped his arm around her waist, and held her close to his heart. He loved her with all his heart, and he wanted to keep her close to his heart forever.

"You can stop pretending that you want to be here. And it's fine if you make a trip to the Weasley's or Aberforth tonight and spend Christmas with them," Draco said to his girlfriend, using his spare hand to run his fingers through her soft hair.

"Don't be ridiculous Draco, I'm not pretending. I want to be here with you, I want to spend Christmas with you. The Weasley's and Aberforth can wait, I'm sure they would understand. I want to stay here, in your arms," Ellia assured him, looking up into his ice eyes, "I love you."

"And I love you too," Draco said, "But if you do feel uncomfortable..."

"I'll make you aware if I'm uncomfortable Draco, but right now I feel pretty comfortable," Ellia chuckled, snuggling further into her boyfriends chest as he caressed her hair.

"You look pretty comfortable as well," Narcissa said, making both of the teenagers jump up almost out of their seats with shock.

"Mother, I didn't see you there," Draco said, now stood beside Ellia. Their hearts were thumping loud - Narcissa almost gave them the fright of their lives.

"Your father and I just got in and checked the time. I figured I'd come and find you two if you weren't already in bed," Narcissa informed them, as Draco's expression changed.


"I didn't mean it like that, I meant asleep. It is, after all, Christmas Eve. You should rest," Narcissa chuckled, as Ellia joined in whilst Draco stood red faced.

"I'll go to bed now, I'm feeling tired," Ellia said, still chuckling, "Goodnight Narcissa, goodnight Draco."


Ellia walked out of the room, and the door shut behind her. Inside, Narcissa still chuckled at her sons tomato faced look. She'd done what any mother does - embarrass her son.

"Your father has gone to bed as well, why don't you?" Narcissa suggested.

"Why? Are you waiting to plant Father Christmas's gifts," Draco chuckled, walks towards his mother and hugging her tightly, "Goodnight mother." He kissed her forehead, before exiting the room. It was very late at night, and the hallways were dark and cold. He knew that his trek to his bedroom was a long and tiring one, so instead he made a shorter journey to Ellia's. Without thinking, he swung the door wide open, but luckily she was already tucked up in bed. "You got changed quick," Draco commented.

"And you went to bed quick. You're here why?" Ellia asked her boyfriend, sitting up in her bed with her covers wrapped around her.

"Is a boyfriend not allowed to spend time with his girlfriend at night," Draco said, closing the door behind him and pulling of his jacket.

"If you mean what your mother said, then no I'm tired," Ellia said, as Draco shook his head in shock.

"No, no never. I couldn't take advantage of you like that, not yet. I just wanted to wake up next to you on Christmas,  we can get up like children and open our presents," Draco assured Ellia, sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Well then hop in blondie," Ellia chuckled, rolling over so here was enough space in the bed for Draco to squeeze in. He pulled of his trousers, stood just in his boxers, and loosened his shirt. Pulling the covers up, he slipped into the bed before allowing them to fall and land softly on top of him.

"Brr, it's cold in your bed," Draco shivered, taking Ellia in his arms to warm himself.

"It'd be warmer if you had actual clothes on," Ellia chuckled, returning her head to Draco's chest.

"Shut up," Draco chuckled, before the pair settled down. Ellia drifted off first, he head buried in Draco's breath as he could feel her breaths against his skin. And, slowly he drifted off to, his arms still encased around her body like a blanket.

The sun ripped it's way through the curtains that hung in the room, as Ellia stirred in her bed. Opening her eyes, the glaring sun made contact with her as she sat up in her bed. Draco was snoring beside her, entrapped in the covers of the bed. That's when Ellia realised it was Christmas morning. A time as a small child she used to enjoy, the early mornings at Spinner's End, the only time of year she could go and wake her father up early. He'd make her waffles and ice cream for breakfast before they opened their gifts, then they would spend the day either playing with her gifts of watching a films on their video television. After what happened with Patrick, she'd never really had a good Christmas. Even last year wasn't the best. Now she was spending it with Draco, it seemed alright.

"Draco," she whispered, as his snores continued in their rhythm. "Draco," she said, louder than before to hope to wake him up. She didn't want to shout incase she woke up Narcissa and Lucius, who weren't far from her bedroom. Reaching out, she placed her hands on his chest before roughly shaking him. "Wake up it's Christmas," Ellia said, as Draco's snores stopped and his eyes shot open.

"What?" Draco asked her, rubbing his eyelids and ruffling his hand through his hair.

"Wake up it's Christmas," Ellia chuckled, smiling at Draco as he rolled his eyes.

"Who knew a teenage girl could be so excited about Christmas," Draco laughed, sitting up as well.

"Shut up you," Ellia laughed, pushing Draco slightly as they both sat there laughing at each other.

"Come on then, we better go downstairs. My parents will probably be awake," Draco insisted, pulling himself out of the bed.

"What really? This early?" Ellia questioned Draco, too climbing out the bed in just her night robe. Checking the clock in the room, Draco laughed at Ellia.

"It's 10am, I think we're the ones who slept in late," Draco chuckled at her.

"Oh," Ellia said, "Well then let's go celebrate Christmas."

Snape's Daughter (Book Three)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora