CHIM - No Regrets Chapter 26

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Chapter 26: Cheryl’s POV

It’s been Four months since I started having chemotherapy, Four months of feeling weak, tired and ill all the time, Four months since I last had sex. I’m supposed to be having my last lot of chemo treatment today and then hopefully in two weeks I will find out the outcome, whether I am going to live or die, whether I am finally well again. It has also been Three months that my daughter has been in a coma, a deep sleep that she may never wake up from. I don’t know whether to be happy or not about my outcome if she’s not here to live it with me. I felt her fingers entwined with mine, her lips on mine, her forehead resting against mine. ‘I am so turned on right now’ I whispered against her waiting lips. ‘Baby, we can’t, I don’t want to ware you out’ she mumbled whilst breathing heavily. I took a deep breath, ‘baby you won’t tire me out, I’ll be fine, I need this! It’s been four months, just go slowly and I’ll be fine’ I whispered as I kissed her lightly on her beautiful lips.

I breathed heavily as her lips made their way down my fragile body; I felt her lips connecting with every part of my body, her sweet tongue running its way across my skin. Every touch sent goosebumps right through me and set my heartbeat running madly. I needed this, I wanted this, it had been too long, I missed her, I missed her touch, I longed for it. I ran my hands through her short hair that had by now started to grow back, I shut my eyes and allowed every touch, every kiss, every stroke to plant itself in my memory. Her touch was soft, gentle, caring and loving, leaving its mark with every caress of my cancer-striken body. ‘Touch me’ I managed to mumble through my deep breaths as I felt her slowly kiss up the inside of my thigh. I felt her eyes on me as she gazed up at me from her position between my legs. I locked my gaze on hers and focused solely on her as her fingers began to stroke me where I needed her most. Her movements gaining speed causing my breathing to get heavier before my breath hitched and my final orgasm racked through my frail body. I felt so tired and weak but I was happy as I watched my beautiful wife kiss her way back up my body, kissing every inch that she could reach before finally resting her moist lips on mine. 

‘You ok baby?’ she whispered as she wrapped her arm around my body, holding me close, ‘never been better’ I smiled as I leant my face in the crook of her neck. ‘We have to get up soon, you have chemo’ she mumbled against my head, ‘just five more minutes’ I whispered as she placed one last kiss on my lips, holding me close to her. I felt her fingers running across my hip and her lips on my shoulder blade. I couldn’t believe she was mine, I couldn’t believe that she was still here sometimes. I had done some really stupid things but yet she still loved me, she still stayed and she still cared. Sometimes I find myself wondering why? Why is she still here? Why does she still care? Why does she still love me? But one thing I know for sure is that I’ll never hurt her again; I love her too much…Not intentionally anyway. I felt her finger tips trailing down my cheek and across my jaw before bringing my head up to face her.

‘What are you thinking about baby?’ she whispered as she continued to caress my face with her warm hand. ‘You’ I quietly replied as I watched a small smile play on her lips. ‘What about me?’ she grinned, ‘mmmm how beautiful you are’ I began causing her small smile to turn into a huge grin, ‘how loving and caring you are, how amazing you are, how I love being married to you and how in love with you I am’ I whispered inbetween placing light kisses on her neck. ‘Oh really’ she giggled, I smirked at her, ‘don’t let your ego get too big Kimba’ I joked, ‘oh it’s too late for that’ she joked back before showering my face with kisses and tickling my sides lightly. ‘Stop stop’ I screeched breathlessly, ‘sorry, did I hurt you’ she quickly asked as she stopped her movements. I sighed whilst shaking my head, ‘no baby, I’m fine, I love this jokey side to our relationship, you know? The fun we used to have before this cancer and before everything…Sometimes I wish we could go back to that’ I mumbled as I kissed her neck lightly. ‘Me too babe, me too’ she mumbled before attaching her lips to mine once again.

I followed Kimberley out of the front door and towards our car, walking up behind her, I slipped my arms around her waist and rested my chin on her shoulder. She stroked my arms as we walked towards the car; I loosened my hold of her as she helped me in and placed my hand on her thigh as she srarted the drive towards the hospital. I felt myself beginning to shake as we got closer to our destination; I had spent so much time there during the last Four months whether it was for chemo or to visit Kara and now, I couldn’t wait to get this over and done with. I slipped my arm around my Kimba’s waist as she led me through to where we needed to be. I stared at the closed door and shook slightly when the doctor appeared to take us through for my final chemotherapy treatment. I felt Kimberley’s arm around my tiny waist, calming me down with her touch. She placed a light kiss on my temple before pulling through the door, she took a seat and I sat on her lap, snuggling into her as tightly as I can as if im scared to let go. Im scared, scared of the future, scared of what my life may bring after this final session of chemotherapy. Will I be better after this, will I live a long and healthy life after this, and will everything finally be ok? I just want to be happy with my life again.

I slipped off Kimberley’s lap and into the chair beside her; I clutched her hand between my fingers as tightly as I could and scrunched my eyes shut as I felt the needle piercing my skin for the last time. I felt Kimberley’s walm hand running over my head as she massaged it slightly whilst I buried my face into the crook of her neck. I felt my body run cold as the chemo ran through my vein and kept my eyes scrunched shut until the doctor finally withdrew the needle. ‘That’s all done then Cheryl, the next time I see you will to be to give you your results’ he smiled kindly. I returned the smile with a sense of relief as that statement suddenly hit me. In just two weeks I will find out if I’m three of this cancer and that both worried me and pleased me at the same time. I turned towards my beautiful wife; my wife who has never left my side once throughout this ordeal and rested my forehead against hers, ‘I love you Kimberley Jane Walsh’ I mumbled before placing my lips on hers; for the first time in months, I felt happy.

CHIM - No Regrets (Sequel to Whole Lotta History)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin