CHIM - No Regrets Chapter 33

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Chapter 33: Kim’s POV

I was stood in front of the mirror in our bedroom as I attempted to do my make up ready for our date. I giggled slightly as I heard Cheryl’s soft singing coming from the bathroom, she was singing I’ll stand by you and to be honest, I never got tired of hearing it; her vocals on that song were just stunning. I continued to apply my mascara when I felt Cheryl’s bare arms wrap around my waist and her warm lips on my neck just below my ear. ‘Hey beautiful’ she grinned, I giggled lightly, ‘hey yourself, you’re happy’ I smiled, ‘yes, I have a lot to be happy about’ she exclaimed before planting kisses up my neck. ‘Yes, you do’ I smiled before turning around in her arms and kissing her lightly on the lips. ‘Do you remember our first date’ I whispered against her lips before kissing her once more, ‘which time?’ Cheryl smirked with a raised eyebrow, ‘the first time, first time’ I giggled, ‘Oh yes, everything that could go wrong, went wrong’ she laughed, ‘yes, but do you know what? Even though everything went wrong that night, it was still the best date ever’ I mumbled, she grinned, ‘how comes?’ she asked, I pulled her in closer to me, ‘because it was the first date I got to spend with you! And I knew then that you were special’ I whispered before pulling her into me, placing a light kiss on her lips. I smiled at my wife as I pulled away, turning myself around and resuming my previous activities. I flickered my eyelashes as I completed the task before turning round to once again face my wife who was still stood in the same spot, ‘what?’ I giggled as she locked her gaze on mine, ‘nothing…I love you’ she stated as she locked her eyes on mine, I kept her gaze as I smiled at my wife, ‘I love you too…Always’ I whispered as I entwined my fingers with hers.

I stared at my wife with a small smile as I sat opposite her in the beautiful Italian restaurant. ‘What?’ she asked quietly whilst biting her lip slightly, ‘nothing’ I sighed, ‘Kimba, I know you, what’s going on?’ Cheryl sighed with a worried tone to her voice. I sighed slightly before looking down at the table, fiddling with the napkin between my fingers, ‘it may sound silly, but I actually thought I was going to lose you and it made me think that I don’t know what I would have done if I had, my lifes nothing without you’ I mumbled as I tried to hold back the tears. ‘Oh baby’ Cheryl sighed before getting up and walking around the table, placing herself on my lap and wrapping her arms around my neck. ‘I know, Baby I know exactly how you feel because I feel exactly the same way about you, it’s not silly at all’ she whispered before kissing me lightly on the forehead. ‘I love you Chez’ I mumbled quietly as I still fought the tears, ‘I know baby, I love you too’ she smiled as she placed her lips lightly on mine, ‘So much it hurts’ I mumbled as the tears finally began to roll down my cheeks, ‘I love you so much it hurts too’ she whispered before kissing my lips lightly once again. ‘Don’t cry baby! We are going to be just fine’ she whispered as she wiped my tears away with her thumbs, giving me one last kiss before returning to her chair. She took her seat before taking my hand in hers and entwining our fingers together.

‘So, did you enjoy yourself?’ I smiled towards my wife as we exited the restaurant. I slipped my hand into hers and felt her rest her head on my shoulder. ‘Yes, totally…the company wasn’t bad either’ she giggled as I pulled away, playfully gasped and jabbed her lightly in the ribs. She giggled lightly as she pulled me towards her, wrapping her arms around my waist as I slipped mine around her neck. I kissed her forehead, then her nose and finally her lips as my tongue begged for entrance. I finally pulled away, resting our foreheads together, ‘so…what’s next on the agenda Mrs Tweedy-Walsh’ Cheryl giggled before pulling away and kissing me lightly on the lips. I smiled into the kiss before pulling away again, ‘I thought maybe a walk along the thames?’ I suggested, earning a nod in response. I wrapped my arm around her petite waist, pulling her into me as we walked back towards the car. The drive was silent; however it was a comfortable silence and Cheryl’s hand rested on my thigh the whole time. I kept glancing towards her at every opportunity, it was as if I couldn’t really believe that she was still here and that she was fine and well. I took her hand in mine as we walked along the embankment, we reached the london eye and a small smile played on my lips, ‘do you remember our second first date?’ I asked happily, she nodded as the same small smile played on her own lips.

‘Where are you taking me’ Cheryl giggled. I raised my eyes and smirked at her, ‘You’ll see’ I giggled in reply. I dragged her towards the London Eye and she gasped. She had lived in London for years before leaving for LA but had still never gone on the Eye even though she had desperately wanted too. ‘Oh My God, No way’ She screeched. I just nodded as I laughed at her expected happiness. I was so happy and I didn’t want this date to end. Nothing could ruin this moment. This was Amazing, I was in a carriage, right at the top of the eye looking down on the whole of london. I was stood behind Cheryl with my arms wrapped around her waist and my chin resting on her shoulder. ‘Want a strawberry?’ I smiled gesturing to the basket laid out in the middle. She smirked in response, ‘And when did you have time to do all this?’ she giggled. ‘Secret’ I smirked in response as I picked up a strawberry and popped it in her mouth. I filled a glass with champagne and handed it to her before pouring one for myself. ‘Mmmmm nice champagne’ she grinned. ‘Only the best for you’ I smiled in response before putting my glass down and edging towards my wife. ‘Kimberley, what are you doing?’ she questioned as I took her right hand in mine and slipped my left hand round her waist. ‘Dancing’ was my simple reply. ‘But theres no music’ she giggled. ‘There is now’ I whispered before starting to sing as we slow danced around the carriage.

‘I still remember that day like it was yesterday’ Cheryl whispered into my ear as I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her into me. ‘Me too’ I mumbled as I placed light kisses on her neck, ‘that was the day I knew I wanted to marry you again’ I smiled against her neck as I pulled back slightly. ‘Really’ she grinned as she rested her forehead against my own, I nodded, ‘so you were happy when I asked?’ she smirked with a raised eyebrow, I nodded with a small giggle, ‘never been happier’ I smiled before placing my lips on hers. ‘Want to go again?’ I whispered as I gestured towards the eye with my head, keeping my arms firmly wrapped around her body, ‘why not’ Cheryl smiled as she took my hand in hers and lead me towards the attraction.

CHIM - No Regrets (Sequel to Whole Lotta History)Where stories live. Discover now