Little Secrets

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"Soarin' where ya'll taken me?" Applejack's voice portrayed little actual interest. It was more of an idle curiosity, one that Applejack barely cared about. Soarin' smiled at her, that cocky charming grin of his. It made her heart flutter and she blushed as she looked away. The two had been an official couple for a few months and it was still new to her. This stallion, this WonderBolt, this Greco-Pony statue come to life was hers!

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you, now would it?" He laughed. She narrowed her eyes at him, but kept a wicked smile on her face. She had to give him credit; he was really trying to be a good colt-friend. Still, as much as Applejack loved surprises, her years in Ponyville with Pinkie Pie had taught her to always be aware of well...everything. Always. Her hyper-active pink friend had a knack for hiding in seemingly impossible places; under rocks, in baskets of cookies, and once during a game of hide-and-seek, inside a party balloon.

The two ponies had taken a train out of Canterlot into the Far East of Equestria. From the station they had started to walk...and walk. And walk. Soarin' and Applejack had made small talk to pass the time. Soarin' had kept the farm pony rapt in attention with his stories of the WonderBolts. Although not as fanatic a fan as Rainbow Dash, Applejack certainly found the stories exhilarating.

"So why does ya'll do it?" Applejack asked during a quick lull in the conversation. Soarin', who had been telling the farmer about a trip to the land of the Zebra, and a haunted village therein, paused. His face contorted as he thought.

"Would you accept fame and fortune?" He asked, joking. Applejack laughed.

"Normally sure. But from ya'll?" She looked the WonderBolt up and down, as if seeing him from the first time, "There's somethin' more to it. I can tell."

"Fair enough, Applejack." Soarin' chuckled. A far-away look crossed his face as he stared into the distance, not seeing but remembering, "It's something I've wanted my whole life. Growing up...where I grew up, I needed heroes. Someponies to look up to. I met my first WonderBolt when I was five summers old." He smiled at the memory, "His name was SkyDive, and he was my idol. He was so heroic, so cool and fast."

"Ya'll sound like Rainbow Dash." Applejack laughed. Soarin' smiled at this and nodded.

"I was just like her." He sighed, "The WonderBolts are more than just flyers, Applejack. We're pillars of Equestrian society, expected to perform above and beyond the call of duty. We run charities; operate relief funds to ponies in disaster areas. The Princess herself decreed that the WonderBolts were to be her representatives to the ponies of her kingdom."

"But ya'll...pardon my fancy here, but ya'll just kinda' fly."

"Right now that's what's best for Equestria." He nodded, "But in the off-season, or during emergencies, our speed is put to good use."


"Think about?" He said, "Who is the fastest flyer you know?"

"Rainbow Dash."

"Exactly. Won the Best Young Flyer Competition." He leaned forward to whisper despite the pony in question being on the other side of Equestria, "And between you and me, she's sure to make it during her try-outs."

"Really?" Applejack asked, delighted. The WonderBolt nodded with a grin.

"But to my point, let's say there is an earthquake in Manedrid." Soarin' continued, "Clear on the other side of Equestria. Who better to be a first-responder than the pony that can get their first? Rainbow Dash will make an excellent WonderBolt one day. Soon, if I don't miss my guess."

" ya'll do those performances and whatnot to keep up ya' skill in case the Princess needs fast rescue flyers?"

"Exactly." He said proudly. A silence descended between the two. Applejack gave a low whistle.

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