The Funeral

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Back in the surrounding walls

Eren's Pov:

I sniffed as me and Mikasa walked in front of the horse and carriage that carried Armin's dead body.

Mikasa gently took my hand in hers as continued to walk at the front of the line at his funeral.

Capitan Levi, Sasha, Connie, Marco, Jean and Krista walked behind us.

We were all in our Survey Corps uniform. Mikasa was holding a bouquet of pink, blue, purple and green flowers in her hands close to her chest.

I was holding some flowers as well, people, blue, yellow and red.

Krista, who was behind us, was holding a bunch of red roses. Armin and Krista had only just started dating before we went out for a day of fun.

'If only I hasn't decided to go out so far, this wouldn't have happened' I thought as I walked down the street, people had gathered on either side of the street in respect for Armin.

Nearly everyone had known him, and not many people had disliked him, and even those who did were here out of pure respect for our fallen friend.

As we got closer to the edge of the city where Armin would be buried, I noticed that among the people gathered there was the military police brigade.

I blinked in surprise as I saw them. Usually not many people from the other groups gathered for the death of someone from the Survey Corps.

The horse and carriage came to a halt next to Armin's grave, so everyone who was at the front of the funeral line lined up either side of the back of the carriage in a line, whilst Armin's coffin came out the back.

Me and Mikasa were the furthest away from the carriage, so we would be at the front holding the coffin.

Armin sure did have a beautiful coffin. It was a beautiful pine colored, with the Survey Corps wings of freedom on the top, with a brass tag on it, saying:

Armin Arlet,

Faithful soldier for the wings of freedom,

Loyal, Loving and

Will live on in his friends memories forever

We all slowly lowered the coffin to the ground besides his grave, and watched as the gravamen picked it up and lowered it into the hole in the ground.

Mikasa stood up straight, before turning around the face the crowd around the edge of the burial site, and began to speak. The eyes and ears of the city on her.

"Armin Arlet was a loyal and brave soldier that would have given his life for any one of us without a doubt in mind. He was incredibly intelligent, and able to save many people's lives in the Survey Corps. He saved me and Eren more times than we remember. Even when we were kids and it was just the three of us. He was always there to help us out. The one last thing we did for him, is let him fulfill his dream and see the worlds ocean. He died besides his dream. But at least he didn't die alone, or sad. He died with friends, and he was happy, knowing he was loved, and that his has fulfilled his life goal ever since he was little. Armin will be remember, and loved, wherever anyone goes and thinks of this day, they will remember this. We did this for him. For Armin Arlet." She finished, giving the soldier salute, soon copied by everyone watching and listening.

I put my fist to my chest in a proud salute for my fallen friend.

'You will be remembered'

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