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Come back home straight after school. Your grandparents are visiting later. Do and say as planned, I don't want you to do something stupid.

I deleted the message as soon as I read it. Can you even believe that message came from my mom? Well, yes, it's from her and it's about her and dad's damn plan for forcing me into law after graduating from highschool. As if I wanted to be a goddamn lawyer. No, I want to be music teacher. As simple as that, but do they even care? No.

"Hey, you okay Ash?", a voice snapped me from my thoughts. It was Nicole, she has been my friend since I was in Grade 3. I'm really grateful for her since she was the very first friend that I had after she defended me from bullies.
"Of course, why would I not be?", I said as I faked a smiled. I hate lying to my friends, especially her, but I have no choice. I don't want them to be dragged to my personal problems.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, by the way? Have you seen Addy? I haven't seen her since this morning.", I asked. True. I haven't seen that kid since this morning which is weird since she hates skipping classes and being absent.
"No. Did she say anything to you? Like, if she would be absent or anything?"
"No. Wait I'll call her."

I dialled her number and waited.

"Hello?", the other line answered.
"Uhm hello? Addy?"
"Sorry, this is not Adrianne. I'm her brother Kyle. Why?", Oh Kyle.
"Kyle, this is Ashley. Can I talk to her?"
"Sorry Ash but no. Addy is sick, mom is actually taking care of her right now.", She's sick again?
"Oh okay. I just wanted to ask her why she did not show up here at school. Turns out that she's sick. Just tell her to get well soon."
"Okay. Are you going to visit her later?", I wish I can.
"No, I have something to do later. Just tell her to get better okay? Thanks."
"No worries. Bye", he greeted before ending the call.

Nicole looked at me and asked.
"So? Is she okay?"
"She's sick"
"Oh. Then let's visit her later?"
"I can't Nyx. I need to go home early. You just visit her later without me. Tell her go get well soon and stop getting sick.", Addy really gets sick quickly.
"Sure, but call her later okay? You know her, she'll get upset if you don't."
"Of course. No need to remind me.", I smiled at her as I replied.

But then, I remembered my grandparents. They are always expecting me and my sister to become a lawyer or doctor as it runs in family. My sister is actually nurse now because of that (well, it's her dream job by the way) but because I'm the youngest they also expect me to be the same. Not that they will not support me if I took another course, but I'm that they will be disappointed if I did. Of course they will. I remembered those words that my mom said when I told her my objection of taking law and medicine as courses. Nonsense! You will end up in the streets gaping at the air once you have no money left if you take that route! Only idiots take up that kind of life! What the hell is wrong with being a teacher or music therapist? It's still an occupation for goodness sakes! But of course they do not care. As always.

"Ashley? You're spacing out? You okay?", Nicole said while looking at me.
"Huh? Yeah I am."
"Look, is something wrong? You've been like that since this morning.", She always knew when something's wrong.
"No Nyx, I'm really okay."
"You sure? You know that you could always talk to me when you have problems."
"Thanks for your concern Nyx. But really, nothing's wrong."
"Fine if you insist. Let's go then?"
"Okay. Let's go", Sorry for lying Nyx.


At the Kim's mansion...

"So Ashley, what have you decided to take in college?", my grandfather said.
"Law, grandfather"
"Law? Great choice! Come to me for coaching once you started. I always knew that you will never disappoint. You really raised her well Hana.", grandfather stated.
"Of course father, it's not really hard raising her. She's an obedient child.", my mom said while smiling like a proud parent. Really mom? I've never heard of that since I was born.
"But I plan of also taking music education as second preference.", I stated and the table went silent. I just needed to state my opinion.
"Music Education? Not bad. But good thing that law is your first preference.", grandfather answered as my mom and dad looked at each other before glaring at me.
"Of course father. She will take up law as his course. She just thought of music education as a backup.", my dad smiled at grandfather before giving me a what-the-hell-are-you-doing look.
"Good", grandfather said.

I stayed silent after that. After dinner, my grandparents bid us goodbyes and dad drove them back to their house. As they stepped out of the house I knew hell was going to start.

"Ashley Kim. In your room in an instant.", my mom demanded as she headed first to my room. Here it goes again.
I went upstairs and opened the door. As soon as I closed it shut a yell was heard.
"What the hell was that?!", she yelled. As expected.
"Are you really that stupid?! I thought that we already talked about this? Good thing that your grandfather did not suspect anything!", Rubbing to my face that I'm stupid? What did I even expect?
"Why the hell are you even mad about mom? I just said that it was my second preference. Good thing that I did not said it was my first!", I yelled back.
"So you want me to be thankful for that? We already talked about this and we clearly said no! Stop insisting on changing your major! You will have law as your course and that's final!", Ughh!
"Final? Did you even let me voice out my opinion about this? You just rejected me and forced me with this! It's my future we're talking about so I have the right to decide!"
"You already proved unworthy of that right when you stated that stupid idea! Why can't you just follow your sister? She obeyed us willingly and look at her now, successful!", She took up nursing because she likes it, so don't use it as an example.
"She liked the medical field in the first place!"
"Enough with this Ashley! We already said no and we are not changing it!", Can you just please listen to me? Just once...
"No buts!"
"ENOUGH ASHLEY KIM! You will not say a word about this anymore, you understand me? You will take up law with no buts and complaints!", she stated as she slammed my door shut.

I slumped down the floor and cried once the door closed. Why can't I even decide for myself? Why do I always need to follow orders like a slave? Why can't they treat me like a normal parent would do? Why can't they support me like they supported my sister before? I've always lived for them for the 16 years of my life. Is that not enough? Is 16 years not enough?

As I thought of all of this my sister entered my room.
"Are you okay Ash?", she said as she crouched down and patted my back. Look at me sis, do you think I'm okay?
"Sis? Is all of my efforts not enough for them? Have I not been a good daughter?", I asked while crying.
"No Ash. You have always been a good child. All your efforts have been appreciated. You that we are all proud of you.", I snorted. What proud?
"Proud? They have been proud? So this is what you call being proud?! I have done all that they want since I was a child! You know that! Why is such a little thing as this, they still need to be the ones to decide?! I have my own brain to decide! Let me decide for what I want at least once!", I replied while raising my voice a little because of irritation.
"Ashley, they just want the best for you. You know that for all these years, law and medicine is the only decree that our family accomplished. They just want to make sure that all your efforts are not wasted.", she explained.

I know sis, I know. But isn't this too much?

I did not answer and just stayed quiet with tears still flowing out of my eyes.

"You know, you're tired. Just sleep okay? You have classes tomorrow. Don't think about this too much okay? It's still a long way before you graduate. Who knows that by that time, mom and dad have already accepted your request to be a music teacher?", she then stood up and walked towards the door.

She opened it but before she went out. "Just continue to wish and pray for it. No one knows of what will happen in the future.", she added before exiting my room.

I stayed in my position for a few minutes before going to my bed. I didn't even bother to wash or change clothes. All I wanted is rest.

Maybe sis is right?...or maybe she is not...of course not, my future is planned.

You will take up law with no buts and complaints!

My moms voice echoed in my head as I stared at the ceiling. It has always been like that. My parents plan and me fullfilling it, as simple as that. No choices, no voicing of opinion and arguements. Why did I even bother to think that anything will change? Stupid me.

Welcome to Ashley Kim's world. Where there are no choices, no decisions, and no options. Only a life planned for you that you need to follow.

Whether you like it or not.

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