two °

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  I get to school and to be honest in quit nervous about today. I get out of my car and get like 10 billion stares. I rush to the office to find my like mentor person to show me around.
"Hi, excuse me miss, I'm Alex Garcia, the new student." I asked tapping this women's shoulder "umm... OH yes Alex Garcia, follow me to the principles office."
She grabs my hand and takes me their. I was now like freaking out.

"This is Ethan Dolan. He will be showing you around!" She said with enthusiasm. "Okay...¨ i wasnt very happy that i had a boy mentor. but i thought we could be good friends? ¨Im Ethan you might know Grayson? Hes the lead football player¨ i literally couldnt stop looking at him his jaw line was perfect and he was wearing a toned shirt to make his abs pop out! ¨oh, im Alex, im from New Jersey." i mumbled because i was nervous as hell. "oh, really? Im from Jersey too" he said with like a knowing way.

"yeah, well we should start the day now?" i said while grabbing my backpack that was one the seat in the princepals office. I could tell Ethan was nervous to talk to me because he would stare at me for 0.3 seconds and then i would look at him and then he would act as if nothing was happing. " ill show you the science lab and the science class room" he said informing me while walking to the farthest door the the left side of the hallway. "okay, sounds good" i said

We get to the class room and then he hands me my schedual and i see that he has his too. i glance at his and see that we have almost every class together and that makes me nervous as crap! "oh so i have Gym first everyday exept for thursday?" i said not knowing i was speaking out loud. "uhh..yeah we have like every class together, thats why she picked me to be your mentor today, haha" he said while clapping his hands while lauphing. I didnt think that it was that funny but if its funny to him i dont really care. "well, Alex i have to get to my first period class, ill see you at lunch" he said while walking away to history class.

I saw the time and ran to the locker room to get changed into my nike shorts and a red t-shirt and some nike roshes and ran to the gym to see that i had 10 mins to spare so i just tried to talk to some people and this boy who i swear kept looking at me, i went up to him and started to talk to him.

"hey, im Alex i just got here from New Jersey." i said looking right in between his eyes. I heard that helps with not being so awkward.

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