Chapter 2

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(Y/N) put her headphones on her ears indulging the sweet melody flowing on her head. The music was so beautiful that her eyes starts to feel heavy until she can't hold her strength anymore.

"You are Hikaru!"

"And you are Kaoru!"

"I won!"

"Yes, I won!"


She felt excrutiating pain on her head. For some odd reason, she felt a weird feeling on her stomach and her skin was ice-cold. The pain was ripping her head off and it won't stop as if she was hit by a baseball bat. She screamed in agony as the pain went worse, significant to the pain she felt before but she just couldn't remember when. It was like crushing her skull. The pain that makes her want to die just to put an end for enduring the pain. It hurts as if a mallet pound on her cranium. She just can't take the pain anymore.



"Wake up!" Murasakibara held (Y/N) unconscious torso and shook her on his arms. Gladly, (Y/N) slowly opened her eyes and caught Murasakibara's face, freaked out and drenched in sweat. His face grew in smile and pulled the girl on her chest. "I'm glad you woke up..." He proffesed in his idle voice and gripped the girl's small structure around his arms. As he's relieved by (Y/N)'s concsiousness, he felt something on his chest. Something like warm substance and it's cluttering on his shirt. He felt a wince on (Y/N)'s shoulder. She grasped at his damped shirt and sobbed even more. "I don't remember anything..." She murmured in between her sobs. She shooked her head and buried her face on Murasakibara's chest.


"Kyoya..." Kaoru's warm breath lingers on the air as he glance at Ootori. Ootori looked over Kaoru's solemn expression as if he's drawing Ootori's face to his. "Kyoya," Hikaru mimicked Kaoru's voice, tilting his head to have a clearer view of the taller man. The twin grinned sweetly from a treasured memory that has just slipped on their mind.

"Remember when we fought together over a girl?" Kaoru asked cheerfully recalling the things that he more likely to remember the most. "Kaoru adored her so much though." Hikaru boasted. Ootori smiled perceiving the thought. "Sadly," Kaoru added. "The angels took her too early." Kaoru murmured and smiled sadly.


"Let's play a game," the two stated in unison as they perched their hats on top of their heads. The little girl fixed her glasses on top of her nosebridge and simultaneously switches her view from one to another. A small smirk form on her face arrogantly. "It's called," Hikaru started widening his familiar mischievous grin. "'WHICH ONE IS HIKARU' game!" they introduced in unison.
A game no one has ever answered frankly and correctly. Their forbidden brotherly love and numerous resemblance makes it much harder to guess which is which. Although there are very obvious features, the majority of flattering ladies just can't get focus on the game itself as they can spend the whole day staring at the twin's charismatic presence which made the game more seemingly impossible. In actuality, it's harder to guess what is that thing that won't made the girls notice the obvious than telling them apart. From their dominant side to the smallest difference of their personalities, a well-observant or even a normal person can tell which is Hikaru, the one who's hair parted on the right side and Kaoru who's more mature and insightful among the two.

The girl didn't even have to look closer to tell the difference. Ironically, she closed her eyes firmly shut, crossed her arms and rubbed her chin with her fingers. She has instincts that she confidently trusts and never fails to. The first time she ever took a glance at them, she can already tell them apart. She can even make a book out of their differences from each other. She is indeed a clever girl.

Just seconds after, she felt someone pulled her shoulders from her back and pushed her away causing her to fall against the bare ground. A group of delinquent looking boys stood in front of her. The twins stood up from the bench in concern. "Where do you think you are going?" the tallest boy, possibly the alpha, arrogantly asked as he moved his torso downwards her direction. The girl propped halfway of her body with her arms behind and her hands against the ground. The boy turned around only to recieve a fistful of punch from Hikaru. He pulled his collar towards his raging face. "How dare you hit a girl?" Kaoru taunted but received a face to ground hit by one of the delinquent. Everything went on chaos and it wasn't until Kaoru pulled his twin away the quarrel and ran away until they we're out of the sight. Meanwhile, the little girl did the same, rushed to the restroom cubicle and hide causing her to miss the class.

Later that night the girl is still wide awake on her study table, visibly scribbling for something. She smiled upon her drawing of the two boys she have encountered that day, admiring their charismatic features.
"You are Kaoru." She points her graphite pencil on the figure that she drew on the left side. "And you are Hikaru." She moved her pencil to the right side. She chuckles on the top of her lungs as she landed her spine on the chair. "Looks like I won." She smirks as she turns off the lamp on her desk. Technically, someone already answered correctly even before Haruhi did. And she is (Y/N).

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2016 ⏰

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