Chapter 1

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"Sammy? I need to go out." Dean called.

"Where you going?" Sam asked.

"What? Nowhere. Bar." Dean said, way too quickly.

"Uh-huh. Hook ups galore, that's what you're going with?" Sam laughed.

"Yeah, well, it's true.." Dean said lamely.

"Dean, this wouldn't happen to have anything to do with it being Valentine's Day tomorrow, would it? I heard you on the phone earlier. You were calling up... Donna HanscumSam department, right? To see if she's in on Valentine's Day?" Sam asked.

"What? No! That's just a- a coincidence I called to check up on a case. Then I called... Cas. To see if he was busy. On Valentine's Day." Dean said quickly.

"Ok, what the fuck Dean?" Sam asked. Dean huffed and rubbed a hand over his face.

"Wisconsin." Dean mumbled.

"What?" "I'm going up to Wisconsin. To... See Donna, ok? I'd tell you if it was dangerous."

"I'm not worried about it being dangerous Dean. I'm glad you've found someone." Sam said.

"Sam, I haven't-"

"Even if you won't admit it. Just don't be a dick, ok? It's Valentine's Day, be nice. And just tell me next time, straight up." Sam smiled. Dean swallowed nervously, and mumbled something.

"What was that?"

"Are roses to much?! I... I asked is roses are too much. Should I stick to chocolate?" Dean said awkwardly.

"Oh my God, you're adorable." Sam grinned.

"Shut up bitch." Dean grumbled, pushing past him into the hallway.

"You're driving thirteen hours to surprise a girl on Valentine's, you big sap!" Sam laughed.

"Said shut up!" Dean called back.

"Go with both! Good luck!" Sam said quickly. Dean waved as a response.


Dean drove for hours, not sure what he was doing. He didn't do this, he didn't court women for more then a night at a time. This was insane, and dangerous for her. But then, he wouldn't forgive himself if he didn't.

So, instead of berating himself, with reckless optimism, he checked into a hotel in town, and went out to the closest grocery store.


"Just a moment!" She called. Dean swayed on the balls of his feet.

This was stupid. What if she saw who it was and didn't open the door? What if she already had a boyfriend? What if he was inside with her? What if-


"Hey Donna. Thought I'd... Come say hi." Dean said awkwardly.

"Dean, I'm havin' a bad day. Now isn't a good time-"

"Happy Valentine's Day." Dean said quickly, pulling the rose from behind his back. Donna blinked in surprise, and Dean took the opportunity to show her the chocolate as well, swallowing his nerves when she didn't answer.

"Donna? You alright?" He asked.

"This... This is just sick. This isn't funny Dean!" Donna yelled.

"What? No, hey hey hey. Please don't be upset." Dean begged.

"This is just cruel!"

"I... I honestly have no idea what's going on right now. Oh shit, are you allergic to roses? Are you allergic to chocolate?" Dean asked quickly. Donna went silent for a moment before studying his gifts.

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