Opening Up For Life Changes

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I was given a note from my English teacher to see the school counselor. I was so confused. I didn't do anything wrong. I just didn't write about rainbows and ponies like everyone else!

I was frustrated that Friday morning waiting in the counseling office. It was warm inside, and the chairs were comfortable. I figured it was supposed to emulate calmness but that was not helping. I wanted to leave. Why was I seeing some shrink? Over one well written essay? Geeze.

Next thing I heard was "Ann-ick-uh Hendrickson?" called from the lady at the desk. Of course, she didn't pronounce my name right. It rhymes with Monica. Or harmonica and Hanukkah! But I didn't correct her. I rarely ever did.

"How are you feeling, how does that make you feel? Are you feeling okay about that, or is? What are you feeling now?" Geeze, lady. Why so many feelings? I'm fine. Well, at least that is what I told myself.

The thing is, I really wasn't fine. I had a dark secret from my past that kept me in hiding. I was sexually assaulted in elementary school by two guys. One of them even went to my school. I hadn't told anyone about this. I guess I was ashamed it happened. I often blamed myself. As if my little second grade self could have stopped it from happening. But it wasn't my fault. I know that now. No, means no. I was not in the wrong. But I spiraled into a deep depression caused from the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder I got from the incident.

Eventually I told my mom about the incident, and I told her I wanted everything to be over.

I transferred to online school the next week. Little did I know, this would be the start of the most amazing thing in my entire life.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 02, 2016 ⏰

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