The Final Struggle

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He woke up as if from a deep sleep. He didn't have the feeling as if his fatigue had faded away with a long night's rest. Instead, he felt pain throughout his body as if poison was coursing through his veins. He didn't know how to regain his memory. He was only aware of the dried blood on his robes and hands, aware how immobile and helpless he was. And then like a lightning bolt his memory came back in flashes...Dumbledore...the Elder Wand...the snake...the boy...the boy.
He was lying in the Shrieking Shack, the same stinking ruin in which he had almost lost his life in as a teenager. It sounded ridiculous to him, but for a moment when Harry Potter came out of the dark, he imagined it was James Potter, coming to save him again. It wasn't wishful thinking really, just a vague memory, a déjá vu...
And then he realised that it wasn't James Potter. He knew it couldn't be, because of Lily's eyes. When he saw Potter, that was the moment he knew he was going to die. He was going to see her again.
But he saw nothing but darkness. The outside world was out of his reach, and he knew not what time was.
He was too tired to think. But he couldn't help recalling the strong feeling of fear. In all his years that he had worked as a double agent hanging on a thin thread while under the service of the Darkest Wizard of the time, he felt different types of fear, and this type of fear was the realisation that his life was coming to an end, and The Dark Lord, this evil, cruel and inhuman creature, was the last thing he was going to see.
Thinking this, he felt darkness shadow his vision, and he became aware he wasn't fighting fatigue, he was fighting death.

To be continued...

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