Girl Talk

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"Bleh. School is boring." Alya said to me as she plopped down in her usual seat. I glanced at her, and she just sighed.

"School isn't that boring, Alya. Besides, you have Nino, don't you?" I said, giggling. She blushed.

"N-Nino is j-just Nino!" Alya exclaimed, glancing at Nino

"Sure he is. Keep telling yourself that." I said, laughing.

"Be quiet, Marinette! You're going to attract their attention!" Alya covered my mouth and I gave a muffled giggle. She glared at me. When I tried to say "okay," Nino and Adrien decided that now would be a great time to look over at us. Alya snatched her hand away and put up her book in a flash. I was dazed for a minute, but then she raised her hand and asked the teacher if she could go to the restroom, and dragged me with her. Nino was trying to hide his laughter, and Adrien looked confused.

Adrien's POV.

I could hear Marinette and Alya talking about Nino. I elbowed home and pointed at them, mouthing "they are talking about you." Nino just nodded.

"I can tell. I'm pretty famous, after all." Nino said, grinning.

"Yep." I replied, glancing back at Marinette. I did this a few more times, and I'm pretty sure Nino noticed. So did Chloe. She just glared at Marinette.

"Dude, I know you love Marinette, but you need to stop staring." Nino said, chuckling. I blushed. I do not!, I thought as I glared at Nino. He just grinned like an idiot. This is why I hate Nino sometimes, I thought to myself as I glanced at Marinette again. She looks so cute, I sighed as I stared at her. I glanced at Nino, only to see him smile knowingly. Damnit, I cursed myself as I punched Nino in the arm.

"Hey, its okay, dude. We all have a crush at some point." Nino said. I gave him a look. Then I smiled.

"Yeah, just like the fact that you like Alya, right?" I replied, grinning mischievously. He turned a bright shade of red.

"I'm correct, then?"

"I don't like Alya!"

"Oh, really?"

"I. DON'T. LIKE. ALYA. PERIOD." Nino said, dead-serious.

"Okay, okay. But I'm still right, aren't I?" I said, laughing.

"Just shut up, Adrien." Nino pleaded, looking back at Alya. "If they hear us, you're dead." I laughed.

"You can try!" I ducked from a book that Nino threw at me. Maybe today will be fun!

Marinette's POV

"Can you let go of me?!" I asked Alya as she dragged me into a stall.

"I'm going to kill you." She threatened me. She locked the door and shushed me. I giggled.

"Why are we in here again?" I asked as she looked underneath all the stalls.

"I need to talk to you about Nino. I REALLY like him, but I don't know how to express my feelings. Could you maybe help me?" She looked pleadingly at me, and I smiled.

"Of course, but you have to help me in return." I replied. She nodded.

"Okay, what do you need?"

"I need you to keep some secrets for me, okay?" I said, looking at her seriously. She nodded, excited.

"I need you to tell Adrien who Ladybug is." I said.

"But I don't know who Ladybug is...wait, YOU'RE LADYBUG?!" Alya exclaimed, and before she could strangle me for not telling her, I unlocked the stall door and ran out.

"Shh! People can hear you!" I tried to shush her, but she started strangle-hugging me. I was gasping for breath when she let go of me.

"Eeeeee! I can't believe that my best friend is Ladybug!" Alya shouted, looking all giddy. "I wanna know everything about how you became Ladybug, and how you transform, and, and, basically everything!" She said excitedly.

"Okay, I got my powers when I first met you, and I started using my powers after you were trapped under the car." I told her. "And I transform by calling my kwami's name and saying "spots on!" I said, trying to calm her. "Since you now know my secret, why don't you meet my kwami?"

"Oh, yes please!"

"Tikki, Alya, Alya, Tikki." I introduced the two, and Tikki smiled with delight.

"Marinettes told me so much about you!" Tikki exclaimed excitedly as she gave Alya a hug.

"Marinette! Your kwami is adorable!" Alya gasped, patting Tikki. Tikki giggled.

"Heh, well...she is, isn't she?"

"Oh, Marinette! Do you know who Chat Noir is?" Alya asked. I shook my head.

"He never told me."

"Hey, you never know, he could be a she, for all we know."

"What? That makes no logical sense."

"It makes total sense!"

"No, it really doesn't."

"I'm gonna believe!" I just rolled my eyes and sighed.

"If I knew who Chat Noir was, I would've told you already." I said, glancing at her.

"Hm. We have a mission! It's time to find out who this sweetheart of yours really is!" Alya exclaimed, dragging me back to class. Little did we know that Adrien and Nino had been listening from the other side of the door.


Hey again! I know that nobody reads my stories (so sad ;-;) , but I have a really long first chapter! I finished this around 9:56 at night on a Tuesday, and I have school tomorrow, which sucks, and I really don't wanna go. Anyways, I hope that I get some support from you guys! Until next time, my little cookie angels :$

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