Feeling Special

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"Woo! I'm glad that schools over!" Alya said excitedly as we walked down the stairs. I nodded along just as excitedly. I'm so glad that we don't have school for 2 weeks!, I thought to myself as we got to the bottom of the steps.

"Hey, Alya. You know what this break means, right?" I asked, looking at her. She nodded her head.

"Christmas!" We shouted in unison, and then burst out laughing. I was trying to catch my breath when I noticed Nino staring at us. To be more specific, Alya. I giggled and poked her in the arm. She turned to me and looked at me, confused. I pointed at Nino, and when Alya turned to look, he had turned his head, looking embarrassed. She turned to me sharply and squeezed my hands.

"Ow! Let go, Alya!"

"Help me, remember?!"



"Oh yeah! Okay, operation attack Nino."

"What the heck?! That isn't what we decided to call it!" Alya said, glaring at me.

"Alright! Just let go!" I pleaded, looking at my hands. She let go.

"Okay, operation GET Nino...GO!" She said, pushing me toward Nino and Adrian.

"W-wait! We never discussed what would happen if Adrien was there!" I stuttered, pushing back.

"It's okay! Just don't look at him!" She said sternly, pushing harder. I struggled against her, which was a bad idea. Alya gave a final push, and I was pushed straight into Adrien's chest. I was about to yell at her, but I had lost my balance. But before I could fall, Adrien caught me.

"Marinette, are you okay?" He asked me, worried. I only nodded dumbly.

"I-I'm fine, A-Adrien." I stuttered again, not making eye contact with his perfect emerald eyes. I heard someone laugh, and turned to see Alya laughing at me. I glared at her and mouthed "I'm gonna get back at you." She only nodded her head, still laughing.

"I'm really sorry, Adrien. It was Alya's fault." I told him, sighing. He laughed.

"I could tell." He replied, smiling. I blushed. Marinette, stop blushing! I silently told myself as I walked back to Alya, waving at Adrien as I went.

Tikki's POV (yay! This is gonna be so fun!)

"Marinette! I'm so glad you're home!" I said, hugging her. I had stayed home today to talk to Plagg. Plagg was Adrien's kwami, but I obviously couldn't tell Marinette that her crush also happened to be Chat Noir. That would freak her out. Lets hope that she doesn't get suspicious when Adrien isn't at school.

"Hi, Tikki. Did you have fun?" Marinette asked me, giving me a kiss on the top of my head. I giggled and nodded. She smiled lovingly at me. Marinette is so sweet, I thought as she went down to get me a cookie. As soon as she left, I called Plagg out of his hiding spot. He stretched and yawned.

"Woo! That was close, wasn't it?" I said to Plagg, giggling.

"You're master's name is Marinette, right?" Plagg yawned again. I nodded. "Does this happen to be the same Marinette that Adrien talks about all the time?" Plagg asked, scratching the back of his head. I nodded. Someone gasped. I flipped around to see Marinette looking at Plagg.

"Whoops." Plagg said, his face neutral.

"M-Marinette! W-when did you get back?" I stammered, flying to her. She looked at me, then back at Plagg.

"Tikki, who's kwami is this?"

"U-um...no one's!"

"Please don't lie to me, Tikki." She looked at me, waiting for me to tell the truth. I glanced back at Plagg, who just nodded. I sighed, looking at Marinette.

"Look, Marinette, this kwami belongs to...Adrien."

Marinette's POV

I looked at Tikki, shocked. What?! How is that possible? I thought as Tikki struggled to tell me.

"You see...AdrienisChatNoir." Tikki rushed on, trying not to stop talking.

"WHAT?! HOW!" I exclaimed as Tikki looked at me apologetically.

"I would have told you sooner, but I couldn't break the kwami promise." Tikki explained as I tried to process what she just said. Chat Noir is Adrien?!


Hey again! It feels lonely here! I just wanted to thank the people who took time to read my story (not very many.) I'd still be thankful even if only one person read my story. Please comment, vote, and share with peoples! You don't have to do any of these things if you don't want to. It's your choice, cookie angels. Until next time! ;-;

Kittycatmeows99~ love you guys!

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