The Big Reveal?!

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My heart was pounding. I couldn't think straight. Adrien is Chat Noir?! Impossible! I thought as I stared at Tikki, my kwami friend.

"I'm sorry, Marinette! I wanted to tell you! Honest!" Tikki said desperately. I didn't hear her. I was dazed and confused.

"Tikki. I need to hear it from him." I replied dazily. She looked stricken, then nodded her head slowly. Plagg just stared at the two of us.

"Can I get back to Adrien? I want my Camembert." Plagg asked, grumbling about something that I think was a type of cheese.

"P-Plagg, p-please take me to Adrien." I stuttered, looking at Adrien's kwami.

"Sure." Plagg said, shrugging.


When we had finally reached Adrien's place, I was gasping for breath.

"Okay, ring the doorbell, Marinette." Tikki said quietly. I gulped, then nodded. I slowly raised my arm, and with a shaky breath, gently pushed the doorbell. I waited for something, but there was no reply.

"Oh well, you tried." Plagg said, turning in the air to leave.

"Shouldn't you go back inside first?" I asked, confused.

"Someone might see me." Plagg replied, turning to leave again. Just when I was about to give up and go back, I heard a creak, then a slam. I turned back around, startled, only to see Adrien come out and look at Plagg, Tikki, and I. I was going to dread this conversation.

"Marinette? What are you doing here?" Adrien asked, glancing at his kwami and my kwami. "And what's Plagg doing with you? And who's kwami is that?" Adrien was asking too many questions.

"Uh, well...this is my kwami, Tikki? And Plagg was hanging out with Tikki?" Ugh. I hated when I started answering questions with questions.

"O-oh. Okay." Adrien said, stammering. I didn't know that could happen, I thought to myself as I looked at Adrien.

"Tikki, Adrien. Adrien, Tikki." I said, introducing them.

"H-hello." Adrien said, looking at the adorable creature in front of him.

"Hello, Adrien! Marinette's told me a lot about you!" Tikki told him.


"You had to tell him at some point! Besides, it's not like I told him that you have a whole bunch of pictures of him on your wall and computer!" Tikki said, then covered her mouth with her hands. "Oops! I'm so sorry, Marinette!" Tikki exclaimed, hiding behind Plagg.


"What?" Adrien asked.

"N-nothing! Bye, A-Adrien!" I stuttered, running away and waving.


Hello! I can tell that my story is weird. It makes no sense. I HAVE A CLIFFHANGER!! It's the end of the world! I was gonna add more to it, but I thought, "eh I'm too lazy to." Anyways, this is it. Sorry! I hads to finish homework, which is annoying. Okay, I'm gonna stop talking now. Thanks for the views!

ChatNoirKittyPotato~ *gasp* I changed my name!! Yay! Love ya! X3

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