Chapter 7

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Crissy didn't even try to sleep the night before the party. She stayed in the kitchen, her recipes spread all over the counter amid flour, sugar, egg shells and cooking utensils. She had filled Quinn's order for the party days ago, but as long as she continued to ice cupcakes and cookies or beat her fists into the yielding warmth of bread dough, the butterflies in her stomach were kept at bay and she didn't feel quite so sick with nerves.

When Amy walked in at the start of her shift, she let her bag slide off her shoulder and drop to the ground with a whump.

"You haven't slept a wink, have you?" she asked.

Crissy looked up, unable to hide the guilty expression on her face. She nudged her empty coffee mug closer to Amy.

"I could use a refill though," she said.

Amy sighed and kissed Crissy's forehead as she took the cup and started making a fresh pot of coffee.

"I thought you were feeling better about this whole thing?" she asked.

Crissy shrugged. "Well, I was,'s really happening. Now. Today. And..."

"You're freaking out," Amy finished for her as she slid the now full cup of coffee onto the counter next to Crissy.

Crissy let out her breath in a rush. "Yeah."

Amy leaned back against the counter and crossed her arms. "And you've been wondering, all night long, whether or not you're actually ready for this. Right?"

Crissy nodded. Amy placed her hands on either side of Crissy's face and looked her in the eyes.

"Take a flying leap, sweetie," she said. "You will never know if you're going to be ready for this until you take that next step. No matter what happens tonight, it won't be the end of the world. You've always got me," she finished with a smirk.

Crissy smiled softly. "What would I do without you?"

Amy screwed up one eye as if she had to think about it. "You'd kick ass like you always do. With me around, we kick ass together and we look fabulous doing it."

Crissy couldn't help laughing at that. It felt good to laugh after the tedious, long hours of the night before. Maybe she should have called Amy earlier and talked to her...

Amy picked up her bag and shoved it into Crissy's arms. She waved at Crissy, shooing her out of the kitchen.

"Go take a shower, get changed, all that fun stuff," Amy said. "I'll be up to do your hair in a little while."

"But what about the shop?" Crissy protested. Her stomach alternated between butterflies and a vise grip. She didn't want to leave the safety and comfort of her kitchen. "I can't just take the day off."

"Crissy, honey," Amy said. "You baked all night. There's enough food here to feed an army for a year. I'll cover for you. It's about time you took a break anyway."

Amy pushed her out of the kitchen and up the stairs to Crissy's apartment above the shop. The bell over the shop door rang, signaling the arrival of the first customer for the day. Crissy stood in the middle of her apartment, clutching Amy's bag and trying to stay calm. Amy paused with her hand on the door to Crissy's bedroom.

"You got this, sugar," Amy said. "Stop thinking about it and enjoy the moment. Show me that excited smile you had yesterday when you found that dress."

Crissy attempted a weak smile that was nowhere near the desired effect. Amy tipped her head to the side and squinted.

"We'll have to work on that," she said. "But we've got plenty of time. Don't sweat it."

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