Chapter 18

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A/N: Dedicated to kae_lei ♥

Amy was almost teary-eyed when Crissy told her after Quinn left at the end of the day.

"My best friend, my sweet little cupcake has a date," Amy said. "Praise the lord."

"Shut up."

"So what do you have planned on this wonderful date with this wonderful man?"

Crissy hesitated. "Shopping for stoves."

Amy slouched against the counter. "My god, sugar, you sure know how to have fun."

Crissy beamed. "Just because you would be bored doesn't mean I won't enjoy myself. You can try to rain on my parade all you want. I don't care."

"I'm not raining on your parade. It's just...not what I had in mind."

Crissy glared. "I know what you have in mind and I don't want to hear it."

Amy pouted.

"Don't give me that look."

Amy pouted harder.

"I'm ignoring you."

Amy sighed. "Okay fine. I'll be adult. But I don't have to like it. So...does Quinn think this will be fun?"

Crissy shrugged. "Maybe. He was the one who offered to take me. He saw how disappointed I was that we'd have to close up shop until the stove arrived and that could take weeks. So he said he'd take me."

"Aw. That's so disgustingly sweet I'm going to vomit."

"Not in my kitchen you won't."

"All right, let me be serious for a second here, sugar," Amy said, crossing her arms. "Are you really okay with this?"

Crissy pulled out a Tupperware from the refrigerator filled with leftover bagels and started to take inventory. She shrugged.

"Sure I am. I thought you'd be happy about this?"

"Oh, believe me, I'm over the moon. But I've always had to talk you into these things."

Crissy handed a blueberry bagel over to Amy and chose a cinnamon swirl one for herself.

"It felt right when I asked him and..."

" asked him out? You never said that."

Crissy smirked. "Well I did."

Amy raised her eyebrows. "Flirty Crissy. That's something I could get used to very quickly." She waved a piece of her bagel in Crissy's direction. "And I bet Quinn would totally agree with me."


Quinn arrived the next morning, driving a massive red pick-up truck. Crissy waited in the warmth of the shop, her nose practically pressed against the window as she watched for him. She didn't care if it made her look desperate. She was too jittery with a mix of excitement, nerves, and an overload of caffeine to care.

Quinn tapped his horn twice as he pulled up alongside the curb. Crissy tucked her nose beneath her scarf and ducked out into the icy cold wind. Quinn jumped out, pulled the passenger door open and offered his hand to her.

"It's kind of a big climb up into the cab, I know," he said. "I used to keep a step in the back but it seems someone took off with it."

"Any ideas as to the culprit?"

"Oh definitely. He's short and never stops grinning like an idiot. Also, his name starts with P."

Crissy laughed. "That seems awfully specific."

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