Chapter 6

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                           Chapter 6
             |A Date And His Secrets|

This chapter is a continuation of " A Date and Her Secrets "/ Chapter 5 !


Ross POV

I enjoyed the moment. We continued kissing for another minute and broke the kiss.

Laura wiped her tears and gave a faint smile.

" Thank you.. Thank you for everything... But you'll never understand what I'm going through. The feeling that no one cares about you.."

" No, Laura, I understand!" I blurt out.

" What.. What do you mean? " Laura said puzzled but interested.

Oh no oh no oh no! Did I just say that? No no no no no no!!!!

" Ross, I just told you everything. Wouldn't it be fair if you told me about yourself too? "

" Laura... I got to go... Erm... " I stammer, standing up. I start walking slowly away when a hand pulled my shirt. Hard. My shirt sleeve
ripped a little. Wow, the person who sold me this sold me a rip off! But on the other hand, Laura is strong...

" No you are not going anwhere explain to.." Laura said, not finishing her sentence.

I look at where Laura was looking at. She was looking at my arm. The arm which my shirt sleeve ripped. She was looking at my cut and the bad bruise.. Oh no!

" Ross! Tell me why you have a bruise and a cut! " Laura said, getting worried and mad.

" Er.. Laura.. This isn't a good time.." I say.

" TELL ME NOW!" She shouted. Fortunately there wasn't anyone else in the garden.

"Fine! Fine! I'll tell you! I sat down on the oak swing again.

" My mom died when I was just five... Later I realized my dad didn't even love my mom at all.. Because he married another woman a year later. She became my step-mom and she is one cruel lady! All my 'fancy things' are bought with my salary... Good thing that woman doesn't take my money... When I get bad grades, she will whip me with my father's belt... When I disobey her, she will also hurt me... She gets drunk every week and she abuses me in the middle of the night. Sometimes, for no reason, she will call me out of bed and make me stand in the living room all night.. If I was found to be sleeping on the floor or on the couch the next morning, I would be beaten. As for my father.... Well, he doesn't love me, and he always lets my step-mother get her way! I always feel like nobody cares about me. Like... I'm invisible... That was, till I met you..." I start crying. Tears start dripping off my face.

" Ross! I didn't know you felt this way too... Promise me you would not leave me? " Laura said.

" Promise. One day, I hope you will be my girlfri- never mind " I say.. Oh Ross, watch your mouth!

" Someday, I'll be your girlfriend. At least I know someone cares about me..." Laura says, giggling.

" Someday..." I say dreamily.

We lay back and we smile. I wish everyday was like this!


We jumped. What was that?!

A/N This is another chapter to say sorry for not updating regularly! Anyway, I just wanted to say, Laura and Ross are only 16 in this book! Hope you enojoyed! Bye!

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