Chapter Ten

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Lukas opened his eyes in time to hear a cry from the bathroom.


Lukas bolted up, his heart pounding. That was definitely Mathias. Not bothering to put on his top, he hurried from the room to the bathroom.

"Mathias!" He called, racing to the door.

Please be okay, please be okay..

He pulled open the door to see his boyfriend standing in front of the sink, a bath towel wrapped around his waist, covering his lower body to his ankles. He had been fixated on the mirror but had now directed his attention to Lukas.

Lukas was catching his breath, feeling a strange sensation of relief that was overshadowed by a cloud of annoyance.

"Hey, babe." Mathias said, his face calm. "You okay? Or did you come to see me all dressed up like this?" The last bit was an obvious flirt.

Lukas gazed at him for a moment before closing the door in his face. He stood against the wall, taking a breath.

"What the hell are you screaming over?" He snapped.

"I ran out of hair gel." He heard a pause then Mathias's voice seemed to light up as if a lightbulb had clicked. "You ran in here all worried about me?!"

Lukas didn't even need to see his face to know what expression Mathias was making. He could hear it in his voice. His boyfriend had a big stupid grin on his face, his eyes soft with a warm, loving look of gratitude.

"..Just quit being so loud." He muttered. "I'm trying to get some sleep.. Has Emil gone to school yet?"

"I didn't actually see him leave, but he should be up by now." Mathias replied. His voice was thoughtful.

Lukas nodded, going to Emil's room. He opened the door, greeted by an empty, well made bed. He'd remember to praise Emil for making his bed after he was done scolding him for doing what Lukas was pretty sure he'd do but trusted he wouldn't.

Upon further inspection, Lukas saw Emil's schoolbag and shoes were gone. Checking his room, he also discovered his phone was gone.

"So he took his phone to school.. Big deal." Mathias shrugged, preparing breakfast. The smell of eggs hung in the air throughout the apartment. Lukas sat at the table, having it set for when the meal was prepared.

"It is a big deal, Mathias. Emil calls this boy daddy. Why wouldn't I be concerned about this?!"

"I dunno.. You don't really think Emil's that kinky do you? You sure they're not just messing around?"

"Mathias, he's a teenage boy. He's full of angst and hormones and sexual frustration."

"And a sense of humor..?"

"You are being such an ass, Mathias."

"What?! How?"

"I am worried my little brother is giving away his body and you're saying I'm overreacting and need to lighten up. Could you be anymore insensitive?!"

"Woah, woah.. I'm just saying to have faith in Emil! Let's not jump to conclusions."

Lukas paused to consider this.

"We'll talk about it later." He sighed.

Mathias shrugged, bringing the frying pan over. "Look, I'll have a talk with him when he gets home. Let's just enjoy our breakfast!"


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