Chapter Twelve

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The sun was beaming against Leon's black hair. What a red hot tamale.
He wore a mint colored jacket wrapped around his waist, a pair of gray jeans and a white shirt.

Emil walked beside him, dawning a white shirt and beige khaki pants. In his hand, he had a bag of cheetos - the crunchy kind because the puffy ones are kind of bad.

"Want one?" he offered. The two were walking to Emil's home to meet up with Lukas for this little "date".

"Nah, dude. Cheetos are for pussies."


"T'is true."

Emil rolled his eyes. "Sorry your masculinity can't handle a bite of cheese."

"It's okay, dude. You were just trying to be considerate."


They arrived at the apartment. Walking into the building, they were greeted by a hallway lined with white doors that were very widely spaced apart.

"Alright, Leon, don't be gross or obnoxious, please. No daddy's little shit, okay?"

"Don't kinkshame me, man." Leon knocked on the door to the far right, upon Emil approaching it. Within a couple of seconds, the door opened.

Lukas looked tidy and well-kept. His blue eyes passed over Emil then Leon.

"Should I send you nudes then?" He said, his voice cold.

Leon shrugged. "I mean you can if you want. Unless you're trying to roast me for that time I asked you for nudes, thinking you were Emil. In that case, you can eat my entire ass."

Emil could see Lukas tense up a little. "Uh.. Guys, let's get moving.. Lukas, do you want a cheeto?"

"I would love a cheeto."

Pussyyyyyy... Leon thought to himself.

Lukas ate the cheeto and the three began to leave.


On this awkward and poorly planned date thing, the three boys simply walked around town. Leon pointed out the strip club to Lukas, asking if he got shifts there which Lukas plainly ignored. There was less bickering than Emil thought, mostly due to the fact that Leon and Emil talked amongst themselves most of the time.

By the time they were ready to head home, the sun was low and the sky was full of different shades of red, orange, and purple.

They arrived at Leon's work to drop him off.

"Dangerous to walk home alone these days with ghouls and shit." He explained, opening the door. "I'll see you later, fam." With a wave, Leon entered the cafe and leaving Emil's sight. He then looked at Lukas.

"Well?" He demanded. He knew he wouldn't be needing words for Lukas to understand. Lukas knew what Emil was asking.
I can hang with him, right? He can't be that bad!
Lukas gazed at him for a moment, expression thoughtful, yet lacking in visible emotions. Emil was unable to tell if Lukas approved or if he was angry with Leon or if he felt guilty like he'd wasted their time..
Lukas turned around and began to walk, the sun setting behind him, the moon beginning to rise.

"We'll talk about it when we get home."

( a/n: sorry about my previous part ! i've been planning the story but wasn't quite sure if anyone would even really read it or take interest but your guys' response was very sweet and i appreciate it a lot :^) i'm very happy to hear you all enjoy my writing so much!! <3 )

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2016 ⏰

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