|8| Bears are cool I guess

24 2 8

1 You can't refuse
2 You must tag 15 people
3 The title must be creative
4 if you don't do it im punishing you
5 You have to post the rules
6 You have to say 13 things about yourself
7 It has to be in a chapter, not a comment

okay here goes I guess

1) my names Emaan but none of you people call me that so LOLZ
2) I swing both ways so I like chicks and docks,  deal with it
3) I can't eat salad, I just don't like it at all
4) I'm a Virgin haha
5) I hate tags -_- fuck you Emi and Koko
6) I'm binge watching gossip girl
7) I have trust issues
8) I have a huge obsession with ketchup
9) I prefer sweet over savoury
10) music is my life
11) I'm a directioner
12) previous suicidal and harmer
13) I'm a panda enthusiast

Just tagging random people, have fun I guess

-Iamkokopuffs Averysocute cody-ryle DarkWolvie GirlyDramaqueen just_us_ppl siwoy_Em triste- yukicross_senpai -nahitsgabe awkward-elegance cody-ryle icedcloud

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2016 ⏰

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