Chapter 17

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"Well Melody, those might just be the saddest looking gingerbread men I have ever seen. Are you going to cheer up at some point love? Christmas Eve is tomorrow."

I stared at Draco and rolled my eyes. "I'm sorry our impending doom doesn't have me in a very celebratory mood."

Draco leaned over the counter and kissed my cheek. "We have today Melody, we have each other. I have to be happy about that."

I smiled at Draco's unexpected optimism. Draco had done his very best to make our first Christmas together very special. He had braved the near blizzard outside to get us a Christmas tree and decorated my apartment with bright, white Christmas lights. The atmosphere was cheerful but I couldn't force myself to be happy when I was so worried about Draco. But all he did was assure me that everything would be okay, I wanted to believe him.

As I continued to decorate the gingerbread with wide smiles my sister Iris burst through our front door, her boyfriend Bradley following closely behind her. Her smile faltered and she was beyond surprised to see Draco and me standing in the kitchen. She stepped away from Bradley and stared at me awkwardly.

"Mel--what a--nice surprise. I thought you'd be--at the Weasley's?"

Iris was really hoping to have our apartment to herself, she had been wanting to consummate her relationship with Bradley. My eyes widened at Iris's thoughts and her cheeks reddened immediately when she realized I had heard them.

"Sorry to spoil the fun but I left the Weasley's early. But what about you Iris? Ruth has certainly taken a rather masculine appearance all the sudden."

If it were possible, Iris's face was even redder. She was completely humiliated. I gestured to the back of our apartment towards our bedrooms and Iris stalked towards my room. I closed the door behind us as Iris sat on my bed. She was afraid to look me in the eye, she felt extremely guilty and hadn't been expecting to be caught.

"Have you been to Ruth's at all? Did her parents know you'd be coming back here with your boyfriend? I certainly wasn't aware."

Iris felt flustered, her hands trembled in her lap. "I told them I'd only be staying until today, that you and I wanted to spend Christmas together."

"Well thanks for using me as a pawn in your charade. And just what were you planning to do once you came back to our empty apartment?"

"Mel," Iris whined. "Don't make me say it."

"If you can't even say the words Iris, I don't think you should be doing it."

"How is this even your business?"

"I know I'm not our mother or Gran and I'm not trying to be. But I am your older sister and I don't want to see you hurt."

"From what? Are you insane? I think I'm old enough to make my own decisions."

"Then you wouldn't have been sneaking around Iris. But aside from that, I know we have been through so much and you are very mature for your age. I don't doubt your judgement and I know you and Bradley have been close friends since your first year. I'd just hate to see you rush into something you aren't ready for, it's a big decision."

"I understand that Mel and it's not a decision I have made lightly. I am certain. I hope you'd be this overbearing if I were Hermione. She and Ron have been friends for a long time too, it wouldn't surprise me if they rushed into a physical relationship once they finally admit their feelings to each other. I hope you'll be giving her the same lecture."

I smiled sheepishly, unsure of how I would respond if this were Ron and Hermione. But Iris was my only sister, it was my job to protect and take care of her.

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