This is LtLove

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          I sprinted down the sidewalk as I came across a sick vape. I picked it up and vaped a fat one and was on my way. I began to feel queasy as I jogged back home. When I got back home, to my box under the bridge, I began to vomit profusely, tears streamed down my cheek. I had known the vape tasted odd, but had dismissed it as just a bad vape flavor, but no. That was not just a normal vape. It was a meme vape. I had been far too young to handle the danke and continued to throw up. As I glanced up, catching my breath, I noticed an oddly large forehead peeking through a hole in my box. I called out to the forehead with no response. I exited my box and looked through my surroundings, and there was no forehead to be seen. As I spun around, getting back to my box, I saw an odd girl staring at me, the forehead approximately the size of Russia. I saw a large carton in her hand, and after further inspection, I noticed she had stolen my jug of bleach. I began to yell at her, screaming in hopes to get my bleach back. She dropped down to all fours and scurried away, her hair flew gracefully behind her. I watched her as she hurried away, my jug of bleach grasped tightly in her fist. I hadn't seen her again for years after.

          I looked around under the bridge, people sat around fires shooting up all the heroin they could find. I smiled as i saw families come together and smonk all the wed they could gather, it warmed my  heart. I saw an incredibly bright light and i was blinded. I looked down for about a minute to gather my vision back and looked back up. I recognized something until it hit me. The forehead. Light beamed off of the large glistening forehead and i yelled as i had Vietnam flashbacks of the large foreheaded creature running off with my bleach. Our eyes connected and the creature began to make its way toward me. I shivered with fear as i had not known what this deadly creature may do to me. It got to talking length away from me and screeched what i presumed was a mating call. Nothing happened from there and i began to get immensely confused. It looked at me right in the eye and said "Hello. I am cancer-aids". i froze and my legs neglected to move but my brain screamed at me to leave. I quietly replied "Hello cancer-aids, my name is Michelle" Cancer-aids began to smile and took out a crumpled up piece of paper with the words "add me on steam" scribbled across it. When i looked up, cancer aids had disappeared. 

          New members had joined the bridge clan today. One by the name of Leafy. He is a supposed reptile so I attempt to stay away from him, he's a bit scary. Another man joined by the name of Pyro. He's got quite the accent and some even say he attempts to "copy" leafy, but I don't think that. I actually like Pyro, although he always says he hopes to one day burn down the bridge and commit genocide, but i put that behind me. I often times think i see the forehead, but I put it aside as hallucinations from the heavy vapes. I walked down and tried to introduce myself to Leafy and Pyro, but their boyish charms seemed to overwhelm me and fear shot through my great bod. As i walked up to talk to them, that's when i saw it. The forehead. I fell to the floor, my vision blurred, and then...everything went black. I woke up to the glistening forehead above me, staring down into my eyes. Leafy and Pyro stood behind her holding vape guns. My teeth chattered in fear and a tear rolled down my cheek, and a river of tears followed. I was exposed, i was afraid, i and i was alone, or so i thought i was.

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