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All the young male could remember was darkness. Looking around the dimly lit room, he had no idea of the circumstance that landed him there. His entire body ached and it was a surprise he could even stand as he held onto the metal frame, nearly rolling right out of the bed he had found himself in. Slowly and carefully, he left the room and wandered into the crowded corridor. When he spoke nobody would answer him and not a soul even looked his direction in the busy, sterilized halls. A sharp pain arose in his chest with every movement.

He glanced around, only to realize he was in a hospital he recognized, but in this instance he wasn't visiting a friend or a family member. He was the one draped in a sky blue patient's robe. It itched horribly, but it didn't take long for him to realize why as his arms and legs were wrapped in dressing many more times than he could count. It all appeared unbelievably strange, even more so when the scream of a flat line on a heart monitor caught his attention. His head jerked over to room 202 and what was seen in front of him would haunt his worst nightmares for the rest of his life. It was his own body, lying in a hospital bed, and from further inspection, he wasn't breathing. Bandages covered his bare chest and sharp needles with IV lines connected poked into every available spot on his arms. A respirator was over his mouth, but it was no longer helping. A nurse rushed into the room and straight to the fading body. Any effort she made in those few minutes to revive him was futile and she slowly looked up at the ticking clock in the corner of the room.

"Tyler Grant. Time of death 9:07 am July 3rd, 2011."

He wished that it had only been a dream, but it was anything but.

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