Chapter Four

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Hey there guys! Before you head on to read this next chapter, I want you to wait to play this video. Later in the story, I'll leave a little note telling you when to start playing it :) It'll add to the effect of the story! Thank you for reading this far, and don't forget to leave a nice little comment for me! *whispers* I really like those.


"Please tell me your friend has a ride home."

Bailey and I exchanged a few glances and Kristy threw her head back in frustration.

"Just get in the fucking car."

Bailey and I climbed into the backseat of Kristy's little white Ford Taurus, the man behind the reception desk staring us down the whole time. Kristy jumped in the front seat, threw the car into drive, and joined the thick line of Seattle traffic.

At the end of the street, she turned to look at Bailey through the rear view mirror. "Kid, where do you live?"

"My name is Bailey."

She narrowed her eyes. "Listen, I don't care what your name is. Because of you, my little brother wasn't at the skating rink like he was supposed to, and because of you we are going to be out longer and are going to be in more danger than we already are. So if you could kindly stop caring what I address you as and just tell me where you live, I won't have to kick you out of this damn car and be responsible for you dying."

Bailey's jaw fell open slightly, his eyes moving slowly to me, as if to say, "What the fuck is up with your sister?"

I straightened in my seat, indignation firing me up. "Why are you being such a bitch?"

"Excuse me?!" she screamed. "I literally just came halfway across the city to pick your ass up and we're all going to probably die anyway, but instead of preparing for it we have to waste precious time taking your stupid friend home and-"

"Rosemont Terrace. I live at Rosemont Terrace." Bailey blurted.

"Thank you!" she slammed her hands on the steering wheel.

"You still haven't told us what's going on. Why are we all going to die? Are you drunk or high or something?"

Kristy shook her head, exasperated. "I don't know, I wish I was drunk. That would make so much more sense." She reached into the middle console and pulled out her Ray Bans, a gift from our parents a few years back. She had a habit of putting them on right before she started crying. "You know that meteorite that flew over India last weekend? Well, Dad called. And- and he said Mr. Halters had called him and said there was some kind of space bacteria or space parasite or space something in it. And it's deadly. Like, really deadly. The Indian government tried to quarantine it within effected cities, but it had spread to the clouds- our clouds. The whole world's clouds. It's in our water supply, Jackson. And just one drop will kill you."

I turned and whispered to Bailey. "She's drunk. She is so. drunk." He raised his eyebrows and I couldn't help but notice just how cute he looked with the fiery orange of the setting sun shining on his face.

Kristy pulled into the parking lot of Rosemont Terrace, wiping her cheek under her sunglasses. "Here we are."

Bailey bent over and grabbed a piece of paper off the car floor, scribbled something down, then climbed out of the car. He was a dark silhouette against the bright sun and before closing the door, threw a scrunched up ball of paper on my lap. "See you around."

I smoothed the paper out on my leg and saw it was one of Kristy's old math assignments. There was some scribbled writing at the bottom of the page in bright purple ink. "You're pretty cute," It said. "Give me a call sometime." His number was written below it.

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