Chapter 11: The battle of Helm's Deep

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We are all standing waiting for the battle to come. I'm in the front row with Gimli on my right and Legolas besides Gimli. Then it starts to rain and thunder. Guess we will have to fight in a storm.

"You could have picked a better spot." Gimli said grumpy.

"A Eruchîn, ú-dano i faelas a hyn an uben tanatha le faelas. (Show them no mercy, for you shall receive none!)" Aragorn yells.

"What's happening out there?"he asks.

"Shall I describe it to you? Or would you like me to find you a box?" Legolas said mockingly. I chuckle and Gimli laughs. The Uruk-Hai start to make noises. We ready our weapons. I get an arrow out and place it on my bow.

"Remenber," he said to Legolas, "the person to kill the most wins!"

"What you guys are doing a competition?" I ask.

"Yes!" he answers me, "Would you like to join?"

"Why not! This should be fun!"

"Yes it will... Yes it will." The Uruk-Hai start to run towards us.

"Faeg i-varv dîn na lanc a nu ranc. (Their armour is weak at the neck, and beneath the arm.)" Legolas says.

"Hado i philinn! (Release Arrows!)" Aragorn yells. I release my arrow and it kills and Uruk-hai. I quickly take out another arrow and shot it. I keep shooting arrows at the Uruk-hai and they die.

"Pendraith! (Ladders!)" Aragorn warns us.

"Good!" I hear Gimli say. I take out my sword and when the Uruk-hai start to come over the wall I start to kill them.

"Legolas! Two already!" Gimli says.

"I'm on seventeen!" Legolas answers.

"I'll have no pointy-ear outscoring me!" he yells. Amateurs! I'm on twenty one. We keep fighting for awhile. More ladders, more Uruk-Hai, more dead Uruk-Hai and more men dying. Now, Uruk-Hai are coming up the ramp shelled with their shields. We all start to shot them down. Uruks with bombs move towards the drain in the wall. One of the Uruks with a torch starts running towards the bombs.

"Togo hon dad, Legolas! (Bring him down, Legolas!)" Aragorn yells at him. I help Legolas shot him down but he is still not dying. The Uruk gets to the bomb, it explodes and the wall burst into pieces. I fly in the air and land hardily on the hard floor. I get up as fast as I can because Uruks are heading into the fortress. I keep on fighting.


"Nan barad! (To the Keep!) Nan barad! (Pull back to the Keep!) Haldir! Nan barad! (To the Keep!)" Aragorn yells.

"Nan barad! (To the Keep!)" Haldir yells to the rest of the men. He runs and kills an Uruk, but gets cut on his arm by an Uruk. He looks at his arm and turns around and sees the rest of the Elves running away. He tries to turn around so he can run but an Uruk behind him hits him down the back with it's sword.

"Haldir!" I yell as I fight my way towards him. Once I kill the Uruk-Hai and get to him I hold him in my arms. "Haldir," I whisper to him starting to tear up, "hold on. I'll get you to a safe place and heal you."

"No," he croaks, "leave me I won't survive this. Stay safe Alexa amin seler' (my sister)" he died in my arms. A tear falls out of my eye and lands on his forehead.

"Alexa!" I hear Legolas and Aragorn yell. I stand up and run towards the rest of the men. The battle soon came into the castle. It was a very tight space to fight but we managed.

"How long do you need?" Aragorn asked Theoden

"As long as you can give me." he answered. Aragorn, Gimli and I went out a small secret door on the side. We creeped along the side of the castle.

"Toss me..." Gimli whispers. Aragorn looks at him

"What?" he asked.

"I cannot jump the distance! You'll have to toss me!" Aragorn grabs Gimli.

"Don't tell the Elf." he whispers to Aragorn. Aragorn then toss him, and jumps after. I follow. We are now fighting the Uruk-Hai on the small bridge. After a few minutes of fighting, Legolas throws us a rope.

"Aragorn!" he yells.

I jump on the rope and start climbing up. Aragorn and Gimli are behind me. I get to the top and help Legolas pull Aragorn and Gimli up.

Morning comes after a long night of fighting. But still no victory.

"Ride out with me. Ride out and meet them." Aragorn tells the king.

"For death and glory." the king asks.

"For Rohan. For your people."

We all mount up our horses.  We ride outside, their flags waving. We ride down the causeway into the battle field below.  I see Aragorn look up to where the sun is rising and sees a horse on it's hind legs. It was Gandalf. I see Eomer arriving behind Gandalf with his men.

"To the king!" Eomer shouts and they ride down the hill and start killing the orcs. The sunlight is shining upon us.


"Final count, forty-two!" Legolas says while touching his bow.

"Forty-two? That's not bad for a pointy-eared Elvish princeling. I myself am sitting pretty on forty-three." he says. Legolas takes and arrow out and shots it in between Gimli's legs.


"He was already dead."

"He was twitching."

"He was twitching because he's got my axe embedded in his nervous system!" I chuckle.

"What?" Legolas asks me.

"You guys are funny."

"What do you mean by funny?" Gimli asked me.

"It's funny how you act around each other. Oh... And your numbers..."

"Ok then. How many did you kill Alexa?" Legolas asked me. I turn around, my back facing them.

"Fifty-six!" I say looking over my shoulder. They were wide eyed. I walk away calmly. "Just another boring day on the field!" I say.

I go and find Aragorn. Once I found him, I walk up to him.

"I'm glad you're still with us." I say.

"Why didn't you come immediately when I say to the keeps?" he asks me.

"I went to find Haldir. As I found him he was killed by an Uruk-Hai. I stayed with him. I wanted to bring him back bit he said to leave him and stay safe."

"I'm sorry for our lost. Did you love him?"

"Yes. But as a brother. He was a brother figure to me. Kinda like family. But now he's gone. All my family is gone." Aragorn comes closer to me and hugs me. It comforts me to have someone or people I can depend on when I need it.

Hope you guys liked! This is the end of the second part. The next chapter will be The Return of the King!





A girl in the fellowship (Editing) #Wattys2016Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora