One big step for man kind

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"FASTER ANA" I pushed myself harder, my pace was fast but not PR breaking, running past the finish line. My race is over. I run marathons when I'm not at the office, keep my blood pumping. "Good job ana! If you hurry now than you can make it to the office, joe has something for you." Lilly was my support, My best friend. "Hurry!!" I thank her and head back to my apartment to wash up, get dressed and head down to the office or police station.

"Finally you're here, Barry is out doing some stuff for the station so I was wondering if you could analyze this for me." Joe handed me a package, grabbing a glove i pull out a thin metal shard with splatters of red finding its way around the rim of the rusting metal. I slide it under the microscope looking at it a bit closer. "The blood on here is about 3 centimeters long looks like it's been about 16 hours since the murder by the looks of the blood, I might be able to scratch a fingerprint or two from this!" Looking from the microscope to joe. "Great! If you need anything remember I'm always here and so is barry." He started to walk away but I wasn't quite finished. "Hey joe?" "Yeah what's up Ana" I pick up the magazine barry had given me earlier when we had talked. "Can I maybe take off early? I was going to head down to star labs with lily to see the particle accelerator turn on, it should be a huge leap for the human race!" I looked up to see him smiling, even if he didn't understand what I was talking about he knew I really wanted to go, "of course! Barry and iris are going to watch it turn on maybe you will see them!" I smiled back at him this was something that was really exciting to me, I walk over to him and hug him. "Thank you!" I had lived here all my life till I moved away for college but I was a good friend to barry and iris, so he was like a second father and a boss. He leaves the room leaving me with my work, I'm almost done and than its time.

"I'm excited aren't you!" Lily was always a science nerd, to be honest I am too, I just smile and nod. "This should be huge for or time, it really should!" I looked at her as I spoke. She works at star labs but didn't have to come in to work today so we just come to watch history unfold. "Welcome everyone! Today history will be made, as man kind takes a step forward! Presenting the particle accelerator!" Harrison wells moved to the side to show a screen with the particle accelerator turning on. "Hey I have some stuff to do back at the station I will talk to you later ok!" I wave goodbye to Lilly and walk to the station, she doesn't protest when it comes to my work as I don't hers. I could see the lights in barry's lab are still on meaning he is still here. I open the door to the station and take the elevator up, getting off at my floor. No ones here because of the particle accelerator, but I needed to get something done so I head up the stairs to the lab that me and Barry share walking past him to my desk. "Oh hey, didn't know you were going to come in so late. Shouldn't you be watching the particle accelerator?" Barry says with a laugh, "yah I watched it turn on but I felt I needed to get something done." I set my bag down and pick up the papers I needed analyzed and walked over to Barry. He was sitting staring at our map board. "I can't figure this out." He puts his head in his hands. "Hey berry it's ok you will figure it out. If it's not to much can you maybe take a look at these papers, I need another's eye." He looks up as I hand him the papers. He looks them over for a minute as I walk over to the tv and turn it on. The tv plays a news broadcasts from star labs it plays "the weather is starting to pick up wait.... They are now saying we must evaluate the area-" mine and Barry's head shot to the window, looking toward star labs. A ball of light flew into the air. I turn and looked at Barry, "we probably should close the windows." He said "I'll help you, sometimes it gets stuck" we both walk over to the open window on the ceiling where the water was starting to fall on the floor. We grabbed the chain and start to pull but Barry stopped pulling and started to look around, I did too. All the liquids in the room started to levitate out of their canisters. We look back to the window and all the sudden a flash came through the window hitting me and Barry...

"What's going on here?" The doctor had said. "They both got struck by lightning, in the same room." The other said, they pushed the two hospital beds into a operating room. Two girls come rushing into the room crying but two nurses keep them back. "Clear" one click, two clicks. Nothing, they were still alive but not awake.

This is bad. This is very bad.

All I could see was black...

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