A rude awakening

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"She isn't going to wake-" I'm in and out of focus my head is hurting. I can hear whispers but I can't make out what it's saying. My eyes flutter. I shoot up. "Huhhhh" Barry and a red head turn and look at me and start rushing over "you are up!" Barry says coming to the right side of my bed. "How do you feel? Everything looks in check on the monitors but how are you?" The red head looks at me than at the monitor. "I-im fine where am I?" Barry starts to say something but the lady cuts him off "you are at star labs, you and Barry got struck by lightning and now you are here. im Caitlin." She looks at me and starts to help me out of the hospital bed, Barry coming over to help. "You should get used to walking again, Barry did quickly" "wait why? How long have I been out?" I let go of both of them and stand perfectly. "Umm, ten months." Barry looks at me like he's waiting for me to get mad, but I'm not. Just shocked. "T-ten months? I have to go see lily." I grab the shirt Caitlin started to hand me and start to walk away but Barry somehow ended up in front of the door " no you can't..." "Why." "Because we don't know what you are capable of..we just need to make sure you are ok or that you aren't like-" Caitlin spoke before he could finish, "she is Barry.. She is." All of the sudden a man in a wheelchair pulled into the room and started to talk.. I know exactly who he is "Harrison wells?!" "Yep that's me!" I walked over to the chair and sat down feeling like this is going to take a little explanation of why I'm here. "You see Ana, you and Barry where struck by lightning made by the particle accelerator exploded and something happened to both of you... Now one thing I don't understand is why Barry woke up before you..." He wheels over to the monitor that had my name on it pointing at the red lines that run through me and Barry's body. "This is what interests us, these are you after the incident." Pointing from the one with red lines too one next to it which had no red lines "before." My mouth opened a little in a shocked motion. "Bu- but how? What's wrong with us?" Barry comes over and places a hand on my shoulder "Nothing is wrong with you two... Well there is but its not bad." Mr. Wells turns around and looks at me. "You see when you two where in the hospital they had problems with the lights and with you two, but really there was nothing wrong with you. Every time your hearts stopped the power would go out, but you're heart wasn't going out it was moving too fast for the monitors too pick up, you were draining the energy from the building!" He acted so excited when he said that, like a kid getting ready to play with a new toy. I look up at Barry he smiles down at me. "Is this true?" I say. He just nodded, I stand up and think about everything he has said. "So what you are saying is that I'm not human?" I feel confused "no you are just modified.." I think about that word, it haunts me. "I need to go.." I turn and start to leave and Barry takes a step forward in attempts to stop me but Harrison stopped him. "Let her." I just walk out.. Not ready for any of this.... So not ready.


I had made made my way to Lily's apartment knocking on the door. She opened it slowly like she was tired, when she saw me she jumped into my arms "OH MY GOSH YOUR ALIVE!!!" She screamed people stepped out to look at us and immediately knew who I was. "Nice to see you back with the living Ana!" They would say. Lilly let go and looked at me as I looked at her, "what have you been doing while I was gone?" I asked knowing she was her job she loved so very much was over. "I've been working with iris, she gave me a job since I didn't have one at the moment!" I smile at her and walk into the apartment and sit on the couch. "Shouldn't you go get your job back?" She asked, I didn't think about that. I stand up and walk to the door. "I'm sorry I can't stay long, know that you reminded me I have to go and get my job back! See you later!" I run out the door and am immediately at the stairs even though I just walked out the door. The stairs are on the other side of the building. I look around and see the room I was just at on the other side of the building. I start to walk down the stairs and I end up in the side of a wall. "Ahh man that hurt..." I step out of the wall before anyone sees me and I walk very slow down to the main level and make my way to the station.

Walking in everyone looked at me and smiled saying welcome back. I take the elevator to my level, the door opens and everyone stops and looks "WELCOME BACK ANA!" I stepped back a little then laugh and said my thank you's. Joe comes over and gives me a big huge "nice to see you up Ana!" He looks at me. "Yah you too!! I just got up maybe less than two hours." I look around and Barry is coming down the stairs with a wide smile on his face. "Ana!" Joe says he has to go work on something so he leaves me and Barry to talk. Barry hugs me, when he lets go he just looks at me. "It's been a while!" "I mean you did see me about an hour ago?!" He laughs and looks at me. "Yah but it's just nice to see you back in the station." He starts to lower his voice and he speaks again, "have you done anything yet?" He was talk about what happened earlier I think. "Yah I crashed into a wall." I whisper to him. "Well since you can't work just yet and I'm done with everything want to go back to star labs?" I nod and we step back into the elevator. "Can I maybe race you?" He asks, he wants to show off I'm guessing? "Sure I'll try not to crash this time." I'm learning I'm fast, like lightning fast! As the door opens he says go and we are off like lightning, racing down the street to the blocked off area around star labs. As we make our way into the room I come to a halt and land on the ground next to a wall. "Got to work on stopping!!" I laugh as I see a new face in the lab along with Caitlin and mr. Wells. Barry helps me up as the guy walks over too me admiring me. "Wow you are just like him!! Wow!!" He looks at me as Barry starts to talk to him. "Hey she is just getting used to everything Cisco!" "Right! Oh well I'm Cisco it's nice to finally meet you awake!" He holds out a hand and I take it. "I'm guessing we need to run another test to check your speed? This should be interesting! Ever interesting." Mr. Wells wheels out of the room as both Cisco and Caitlin grab the gear and we all head out to the track. "Remember to stop, don't think to hard on it, just stop and it will be fine." Mr wells tells me as I get on my starting block. "3 2 1 GO" I run at full speed, flying through the air like a bird. I find myself at the end of the ramp and I stop and turn around as they tell me to come back at full speed. I run and crash into the edge of the trailer without paying attention to what I was doing. My rib cage hurt like hell as I stay still. "GOSH DARNIT I FORGOT TO STOP..." I screamed as they help me back to the lab.

"Luck for you, you are just like Barry.." I look at Caitlin with the look of confusion. "How's that?" "This is your ribs when you hit the trailer. " my injury was pretty bad.. "Here's it now." It was suddenly gone? "Wait what??" I stand up to prove her point. "You and Barry have this ability to heal faster, within hours! How you might ask? Well since your body can move faster than ALL of you can move faster, even the healing process! But on things for sure. If you don't keep eating you will pass out." Caitlin explained "like how much food?" I was curious how much I had to eat to stay at the top. "Like a lot... I don't remember what percent but maybe 20 orders of cheese burgers and fries will do it." Wow I thought, that quite a lot of food... This is going to take quite a little while to get used to but I guess it will be ok. I look over to Barry standing against a wall. For now on my life is a secret to others.

Tried to make this a lot longer so here you go!! 1600 words besides these ones! Next chapter to come!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2016 ⏰

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