Introduction To Tiffany West

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My name is Tiffany west. I'm 16 and I go to RidgeWood Highschool! It's a pretty rad school considering they let us chew bubblegum in class, like 24/7! Anyways, My bestfreind Stacey and I are gonna have a super urgent meeting today after school. The reason why is because I'm in like, a pickle. There are these two guys, that I'm interested in. The first guy is Donnie wahlberg. We've been on a few dates, but it's like nothing serious at all. We haven't kissed, held hands, or even hugged each other. I know, it's totally bizzare! The other dude is Jordan knight. My bestfreind from 3rd grade. We hang out like all the time, and we watch mtv Like it's going out of style! To be totally honest, he's drop dead gorgeous. He has dark brown hair, with big brown eyes. gosh, this journal entry is full of cheese. I can't help it! guys are like the topic of the century. Look, if I tell you this, you better not tell anyone. Ever. ok, so I kissed Jordan last year during a major school picnic. it was magical, although our braces got stuck together. thank god, I got those off this year! like, they were totally gag- tastic! just forget i told you that. I better get out of this love triangle before it makes my head like, fall off! meet me back here soon. I'll have the latest news about Jordan and Donnie. You won't want to miss it!

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