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Jake's Pov

Since the first time I saw Nicole, I liked her. She seemed so nice, and so...pretty. We became friends, until I finally told her that I liked her. She became quiet, so I guess that meant a... no? Yeah. Oh god why'd I do such a stupid thing? Surly any girl would freak out if this random guy just grabbed your hand right? Ugh.
I walked into the math class just like I do everyday. I sit in my seat, the seat next to Nicole. We really don't talk to each other anymore. Maybe I should–
"Uhhh, hi Jake. " Oh wow, that wasn't expected. Wait she's talking to me. Dude she's talking to me.
"Uh, hi! Umm so, how'd u been? Oh by the way happy late birthday!! Sorry I couldn't say that to you earlier." Ok too much words too much words!! She's gonna freak out stop Jake! Nicole put on a small smile.
"Thanks, I'm doing great! How about you?" Wow. She actually responds this time you know?
"Yeah, I'm doing alright." Well the next thing I know, we have a conversation... and Mrs. Myer is staring down at us. Oh god did class just start?
      "Well sorry to interrupt your conversation, but may please borrow Ms. Johnson for just a second?" Oh thank god we're not in trouble.
      "Uh, yea sure." I said. Wait but why does Ms. Myer need Nicole? She gets good grades, pays attention in class... She'll be fine. I watched her walk away as a slumped down into my seat. At least she doesn't hate me... or does she? Would she have started a conversation like that if she actually did?

Nicole's Pov

      Ugh. Why'd our conversation turn out this way? Ok, so I was going to tell him... then I couldn't. Right when I was going to tell him, Mrs. Myer started staring at us. She turned to Jake.
"Well sorry to interrupt your conversation, but may I please borrow Ms. Johnson for just a second?"
"Uh, yea sure." Jake responded.
"Great, let's go." said Mrs. Meyer. I stood up and followed Ms. Myer to her desk. Oh god was I in trouble?
"So, Ms. Johnson, I see you have a guy of your interest there." Mrs. Myer said with a smirk on her face. You have got to be kidding me.
"What?! No! Of course not!" I replied.
"What do you mean no? I can see it on your face sweet heart! So, what exactly did you want to say to Mr. Peterson?" I freaked out at first. But then I thought about it. I've known Mrs. Myer longer than any other student in this school does. I trust her. A lot.
"Well, a couple weeks ago, he sort of, well, asked me out but I never responded to him, so ever since, we became, well, a little awkward. So today, I was thinking to start a conversation with him and tell him my true feelings, but... that didn't turn out so good." Mrs. Myer was all ears. She listened to every word I said.
"Interesting. Well, in that case, my advice is to think about the future. Do you want to live with this guilt forever just because you didn't tell him your feelings? Mr. Peterson could die tomorrow and you would be crying and crying because you never told him your feelings. Just do it Ms. Johnson. Just do it. You may go back to your seat now." I consumed her final words as I slowly walked back to my seat.
"Well, what was it about?" Jake asked.
"Oh! Uh, homework? Yeah. Heh,heh..." I took a big breath. "Uh, hey Jake? Would you meet me at the back of the building after school today? I... have something I want to tell you." I blushed. Or at least I thought I was. My cheeks were burning.
"Uh, yea! Sure!! I would love to—I mean, sure!! Yeah..." Jake said. His cheeks seemed to be a little pink too. So it was a deal. We were meeting each other at the back of the building today after school. Class ended, and right after I said goodbye to Jake my memories struck me as hard as lightning. Omg!! I have Uniman training after school today!! I can't meet Jake after school!!!

Mystery of the Uniman Part 2Where stories live. Discover now