Ch. 6

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My new Minecraft story, A Quest For Revenge is out!!!! Please please please check it out cuz it is AMAZING!!!!

Well, at least it's what I think.


Let's get to the chapter :)


Oh god oh god oh god what do I say?! Do I tell him the truth? No, he'll never believe me! Should I just lie to him? Ugh but then I'll feel guilty! Plus, I'm horrible at lying!! But what if I tell him the truth and thinks I'm weird? Ugh what should I say?!?! I was thinking to my self when all of the sudden a voice came out from no where.
"Actually Jake, Nicole has a BIG soccer tournament on Saturday and she was training for that! Right Nicole?" Carly said.
"Umm... That's right!!" I replied.
      "Wait, I never knew you do soccer."Jake said.
      "Ummm..." This isn't turning out good...
      "Listen bruh, it's none of your business, and I think you should step away." Carly said.
      "Um ok? (I thought you were the person who said to go talk to her!) Bye, I guess."
      "What the heck Carly! Did you seriously say something about my Uniman training the other day?" I said to Carly after Jake walked away.
      "Chill girl, I said the Uniman part in a very tiny voice so that he wouldn't hear so he doesn't know what kind of training it is! Your secret is safe with me." Carly said, patting my back.
      "Look, this just gets me even more worried. Are you sure he doesn't know anything?" I asked.
      "What's so bad about being a unicorn anyway? Isn't that a good thing?" Carly said.
      "I just don't want everyone thinking I'm a total jerk!" I yelled.
      "Um, excuse me?! I thought I was the person who saved you from Jake knowing all of your secrets!"
      "Well your the one who caused all of it in the first place!"
      "If I was you, I'd be thanking myself right now for not spilling all the juice out already! And I am this close to doing so!"
      "I trusted you! You said you'll keep it a secret! And now you start spilling everything out?!"
      "Well it's all your fault that you're a stupid unicorn in the first place!!" Carly yelled. I froze. The words stupid unicorn, stupid unicorn kept running to my mind as if it were an echo. So that's what I am. I thought. A stupid unicorn. My heart was beating faster and faster until it hurt. I stared at my friend with disbelief as she casually walked away to her next class. I turned the other direction and ran to the girls bathroom in tears.


Jake's Pov

      I couldn't believe it. Those two. Fighting? And what they were fighting about was just... Odd. Unicorns? Uniman? I was very confused.
      After Carly shooed me away, I was going to walk back to my locker. Until I heard the word unicorn. I froze. Unicorn? I thought. No, there was no way. Well it's all your fault that you're a stupid unicorn in the first place!! Wait, Nicole? Is this what they were hiding this whole time? I needed to find out. After all, Uniman, was a very special word to me...


Carly's Pov

      I might have gone too far. After all, she did run to the bathroom after I said... Omg what have I done?! I'm such a horrible friend!!! Oh no oh no what do I do?!?! Do I go in and apologize?! But what if she hates me and doesn't listen to me?! Do I leave her be? But then she might think I'm a horrible friend! Wait, she already does think I'm a horrible friend. I sighed, thinking there was nothing for me to do, and walked to my next classroom.


Nicole's Pov

      I ran into the girls bathroom, and locked myself in one of the stalls after making sure no one was in the bathroom. I sat down and started sobbing. It's all my fault. I thought. If I hadn't been so harsh about my secret... Then all of the sudden I heard the creak of the door. And a voice. A guy's voice.
      "Um... Nicole? You in here?"



You made it to the end of the chapter!!! I hope you guys enjoyed :)

Again, if you hadn't already, please check out my other book, A Quest for Revenge!!! I will be updating that also so stay tuned!!


And I'll see you next chapter :))))

Mystery of the Uniman Part 2Where stories live. Discover now