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                      The thrill

"What wild and wonderful adventures
We shared together

Full of spectacular thrills
And endless pleasures

Always exploring
and discovering something new

Without ever leaving the room.

Oh man... The way she smiles and laughs just makes me go crazy. It's like seeing a flower bloom~


Dylan's POV

Oh shit. Is it that girl? No it can't be. It must not be possible. Haha of course who am I kidding. I must be hallucinating.  I mean why would she be at this stupid camp. There's not a chance in this world it's her, I thought to myself clearing my eyes. Wait a second. She's looking back at me. Holy fucking shit it's her.

The first time I saw her. Oh man. I'm not even exaggerating but she looked like an angel sent from heaven.

She looked so perfect in the sunlight falling on her. It was like a typical movie scene. The breeze was blowing, the sun was coming in our eyes, we were staring at each other, everything seemed to be going on in slow motion. The wind blowing in our faces was constantly blocking my view of her gorgeous face. She looked so confused. It was like you just want to stare at her all day long, she was so beautiful. I moved her hair away because I just had to look into those big brown eyes. She had the longest eyelashes, fluttering like a butterfly. Oh great I sound like a little girl now.

Her golden hair was the most mesmerising. It was as soft as clouds. Maybe even softer. And how can I forget her lips. They were the deepest shade of pink. She licked her lips and oh damn that was the biggest turn on. I just felt like taking them in and sucking the life outta them.

Most beautiful girls make your heart skip a beat. But this girl right her made my heart skip a million beats.

When I bumped into her I asked her if she was okay. She didn't reply. She kept staring at me and I kept staring at her. She finally replied, stuttering. Haha that was the cutest thing in the world. She seemed so scared god knows why. I almost asked her if she wanted to go out with me but then I realised tha I was a total stranger.

Oh I totally forgot. When I banged into her, we actually kissed for a fraction of a second.
You know those moments when you just want the time to freeze. That was the moment for me.

Her warm lips pressed against my cold lips produced this really weird sensation which no word in this world could describe

I don't know why she started to drool, it was so funny. I know most people would find it disgusting but I kinda found it cute. So I reached out and wiped it right of and her eyes widened. They were already so big but they just kept getting bigger and her cheeks stared turning pinker. I assured her it was fine.

I know this 'fate' shit is total crap but that felt like something. It felt like she was meant to be my girl. I wanted her. I wanted to stare into her eyes and talk to her all day long.

I really wish we met in the future sometime, somehow. It's fate's call.


(Back to the camp scene)

She started looking around frantically like she was searching for someone when I waved at her. I started to walk towards her. God knows why she looked like she just saw a ghost. 

She looked more beautiful than before. Not only was she pretty but she was so hot. She had the perfectly tanned, sun kissed body and her legs were so toned. She had a tiny waist. Everything about her was perfect.

I wonder if she had a boyfriend. God I really hope she didn't. We start talking and then come to a conclusion that we haven't introduced ourselves yet. I tell her my name and she tells me hers . I give her my best smile and she gives me her widest.

I was looking forward to this summer. Spending my summer with this lovely girl. I was never the playboy types. I was always the types who brings girls flowers. Remembers her birthday, her dogs birthday, her teddy's birthday and one who would impress the parents. 

Let's see where this summer takes us.

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