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                    Rise and Shine

Rise and shine. I've always held such fondness for that sweet old phrase. As though we all are little Suns. As though we all are someone's day.


"Morning" Dylan said looking at me and smiling.
He was naked. I mean not naked-naked. He wasn't wearing a shirt.

I managed to spit out a faint "hi"

Oh my god Hailey stop imagining dirty stuff.

It was the first day of camp and all of us were geared up really well after the orientation we had the previous day which scared the shit
out of us.

But that wasn't the thing bothering me. Neither was Michael. It was Dylan. And I know it sounds really crazy but I think I might be actually be in...oh well... Love with him.

"Okay so now you all have been trained for river rafting and it's time we start actually doing it" our instructor tells us and in response we get a couple of hoots.

"Yes. Finally." I say to izzy
"I know right. I can't wait."

"Okay so you're gonna be in groups of three. We have randomly picked the groups so if any friends are together, it's totally coincidental".

Lots of groans came from the ground.

"Okay okay settle down kids. So the groups are- Melissa Tracy and joy.,,....... Christine, Libby and troy............... Hailey, Vanessa and... Dylan".

Oh my god breathe Hailey. What the hell is happening. This cannot be another coincidence. It's not possible. What if I make a complete fool out of myself while rafting. What if......

My thought gets interrupted as Dylan comes and says "hey cutie. You comin' ?"

"Haha yeah... Umm.. Yeah I'm co-comin".
Oh my god did he just call me cutie?

"Aaaaahhh. This is much more tougher than I thought" I said in the louder tone possible. The wind was smacking me in the face so hard.

"Brhhhh" it's getting kinda cold I said to myself.

"Here you can take my jacket" Dylan said holding it out to me.

"No it's fine. You'll freeze to death. Don't worry I'll be okay".

"Please take it Hailey. I'm really serious".
"Dylan please. I know how cold it is. Please keep it".

"Okay if you won't take it I'll make you wear it myself" and immediately after that he bent over with struggle and put the jacket on me and zipped me up.

"Thank you. I feel a lot better" and I was gifted with his smile later on.

Before I knew what was happening, I leaned on the side of the boat. I was so lost in his smile that I forgot to paddle.

"Aaahhhhhhhhhhh" I screamed as I fell into the ice cold waters. I couldn't breathe, the current was so strong and it was pulling me towards it.

"Hailey" I heard Dylan and a couple of others screaming.

"Grab onto this paddle" they said as the paddle came in front of me.

With my last bit of energy I grabbed onto the paddle like I was holding it on for life. I literally was.

I felt two warm hands grabbing my arms and pulling me up. I was immediately covered with a towel.

"Oh my god Hailey. Are you okay? Can you breathe. Look at me.  Are you hurt?" Dylan said to me hugging me really tightly.

"Yeah yeah I'm okay." I said breathing heavily as he hugged me till we reached back

We soon reached back to the camp site and I was taken to the small hut where the medics sat.

"Can you see and hear properly baby?" The doctors asked me.

"Yeah I'm fine. I just need some rest."

"Oh my god Hailey are you alright?" Isabelle and Dylan came shouting inside. Izzy was half laughing looking at Dylan and Dylan was looking at me so seriously.

"Uhh. I'm sorry I got your jacket wet..."

"You're seriously not apologising for my jacket right now".

"Haha... But seriously. I am."

"Oh god..... Chill out. It doesn't even matter. What matters is that you're fine".

"Aww thank you that's really sweet"

"Umm I think I hear my phone ringing, back in  San Francisco so I'm gonna leave you two alone" izzy says running out as I telepathically murder her.

"Hey I know this is an awkward question but why are you so worried about me? I mean you don't even know me."

"Bec-because I-i"

"Hmph" he sighs looking so confused and nervous and the next second I know it he bends down and he

Kisses me.

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