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Once i reached Turkey . I got admited to a privet hospital to continue my medication.

I dont even have alot of time to live.

Thats what i actually thought . But i'll leave whatever has left and enjoy it . And die at peace .
No more tears to shed .

"Miss Laura" the doctor said.
"Yes?" I said.

He was looking at my MRI . And the suprise on his face .
"In Korea . According to your analysis ,They said you got a brain tumor ......." he said .
"Yeah? Is there anything wrong?" I said.
"Miss Laura. Im afraid that ..." he spoke.

Say it . I was able to take harsh words.

"Im afraid the doctors didnt diagnose you well...." he said.
"What do you mean , sir? I have a brain tumor" i said.
"No, you dont..... you just got a minor epileptic case ..." he said .. "you are as fine as a horse. Miss Laura. You can only take the needed medicine and you will gradually become better" he said.

Huh? So i wasnt dying??
Was i given a second chance by God?

And then he looked at Medicine list . The one i have to take.
"oh my god . Miss laura please cut of your medicines at once!" He said.

I was confused.

"Miss Laura . They've been giving you actuall drugs . And above of that . Some of these medicines got side effects . I bet they accumlate the epileptic seizures." He said.

"S..s..sir... are you saying , that they were trying to kill me?" I said.
He looked at me "nearly yeah. Also thank god i told you to cut off these medicines . They hurt the baby" he said.

Huh? Baby?.... im not a baby.....

"Sir. What baby?" I laughed.
"Im 17 years old, i beg your pardon" i smiled.

He laughed "miss laura ...."
I was hella confused.
"You are pregnant Miss Laura. In your fourth week" he said.


I felt warm liquid was dripping out of my eyes.
"I guess you didnt know . Congratulations Miss Laura" he said.

I thanked him.
I got my prescription , and went out...

I walked through the hall of the hospital . Lending on one of the walls.

I felt tears already pouring.

Jungkook shi . Im pregnant ...

I hid my face between my hands.
As i fell on ground. My back was leaning on the wall.
I cried my heart out.

I said there wont be tears anymore.
I said i'll live my new life even for a short while without crying.
And it is .
Im crying now .
But im not sad.
Im .. im gonna have the joy of life .
These tears.
I looked at my own tear droplets on my hands.
And i smiled.

They are happy tears.

I walk out of the hospital .
And when i pass the street .
Someone grabbed my hand.
And that made me turn my head to the person in a shocked expression.

Only to turn to a happy shout .
"VERNON!!" i said. As we reached the other side of the street and hugged him.

"What are you doing here?!" I said.
"I came here to see you!" He said.

The Victims Hero (JUNGKOOK , OC) Where stories live. Discover now