Chapter sixteen

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Harry's point of view

I heard the front door open and then someone say something. I couldn't sleep for some reason. I got up out of bed and headed to see who it is. But then I hear Louis.

"Mom wants to see you?" He asked.

I look around the corner to see who it was. Thankfully they weren't looking this way. Vivian nodded and he smiles.

"You should go. I can take you." He said with a bigger smile.

She shakes her head and his smile dropped.

"What do you mean no? Don't you miss her?"

"Yeah but...." Viv said but she couldn't finish because her voice cracked. I could tell that she was on the verge of tears.

"But what?" Louis asked.

"The twins don't even know who I am." She said as a tear rolled down her face. Louis wiped it away. Ever since she started staying with us, Louis is the only reason why she has cried and he made her cry once more.

"It's fine. They will love you when they meet you again. I mean they don't remember you but they will love you still."

"Louis do you even know how it feels for your own sister or sisters to not know who you are?" Vivian asked. More tears rolled down her tear stained cheeks. Again Louis wiped them away.

"Viv. I know how it feels. After you left I felt guilty. I never forgot about you. The year after you left I was sure that you forgot about me by then. I cried at night sometimes because I missed how annoying you were." He said with tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

From what he said made her burst into tears and he pulled Vivian into a hug. I expected for her to pull away but she didn't. She let him hug her and she hugged back. As I watched I felt someone watching me. I turn around to see Liam watching them from the top of the stairs. When he saw that I was looking at him he started walking down the stairs. 

"Do you think Vivian has forgived him and do you think things will be different between the two? Will they act as siblings?" I ask.

Liam doesn't say anything. Instead he just shrugs. Then the house was filled with silence except for the sound of Vivian's sobs and Louis trying to stop the sobs. I grabbed out my phone and took a picture. They will thank me later. I headed back upstairs and went to sleep.

*Next Morning*
Vivian's point of view

I felt someone shake my arm. Why can't they let me sleep for ten more minutes? I was awake half the night crying. There was another shake to my arm and then he decided to speak.

"Vivian if you don't get up, I will have to pour a whole gallon of ice water on you!" yelled Louis.

I opened my eyes to see Louis sitting next to me on the bed. Liam wasn't asleep next to me like when I went to bed. His share of the covers was neat and so half of the bed was made. Louis shook my arm.

"What Lou?" I asked. 

"Time to get up. The boys have a meeting and I thought that you and my girlfriend can hang out together and get to know each other." he said.

"And who may I ask is that?" I asked with my eyebrows raised.

"Eleanor Calder." 

I have no clue who that is. I wonder how they met. She better not be one of those snotty, stuck up girls who wear too much make up that they look like a clown. 

"Loubear?" asked another female voice.

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